
Bike or Computer?

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I'm already a fit person, I play basketball and run 4 times a week. I use my computer a lot more often than a bike, but on bikes I do tricks and sometimes into the trails when my dad comes to visit from when he takes vacation from work. In the weekdays I usually just bike for 30 minutes on my driveway practicing tricks since I'm not allowed to play games monday-friday (School days). I just watch video and stuff.

Which one should I buy, I have 800 dollars, which I can buy a good comp or a good bike. Any ideas?


I'll use the bike for trail riding (Sometimes), going to school, friend's house, centrum, amc etc. Computer is for homework, some games, youtube and tlking to friends.




  1. get a bike you will just get addicted to the computer

  2. both, you dont need a nice computer if thats all your doing on it.

  3. buy the computer! You can always get a bike, use your old bike and start saving up money again until you have enough for a bike.

  4. Sounds like you want the way I'd waste 800 clams on a bike to mostly piddle around in the driveway....

  5. Get the bike.

    It will last longer than a computer as long as you maintain it, and it will only get you in better shape. I would reccomend getting a mid-range mountain bike with front suspension and a hard tail if you want transportation as well as trail riding. If your interested in BMX get a dirt jumper (the kind with bigger tires and one brake). Whatever you do, go to a bike shop not something like sports authority. You'll be happy you did, and will get much better quality. For $800 you could get quite a nice bike. My reccomendation is unless you plan on getting serious, spend between $300-500 on the bike and save the rest for spending.

  6. Take the $800 to the horse track and place bets with the plan of winning a lot of cash. Then buy both. Are you kidding?? If everyone on here said by a bike, would you really buy a bike?

  7. Go get the computer. You will be very happy with your computer. $800 can't really get you a good bike, only a basic starter bike. After you've got your computer, start saving a few thousand for a good bike.

  8. Get the bike!

    Too many kids today are becoming overweight and having their minds numbed by computers. The bike will get you out and get you exercise. Plus it is a great hobby that will keep you in shape well past your retirement.
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