
Bike parts...?

by Guest57857  |  earlier

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well i know this is sort of a dumb question but is there a bicycle accessory that braces the back wheel in place so i can ride my bike in my house? o.oa




  1. A trainer will hook to your back wheel and allow you to ride in place..... They work well, you can get a really good workout in because you don't have to stop for stop signs or lights and you don't coast.  On the other hand it can be VERY boring and hot....  

    There are tons of differnet varieties.  I have a Blackburn TrakStand Ultra, it works with bearings and increases resistance as you push harder.  Check the internet for bike trainers and ask your local bikeshop.

    Good luck!

  2. The question is fine, and the others have given you some good leads for trainers.

    Two bits of advice, though.  First, take your bike along to a bike shop to make sure that the model you want will fit your bike.  Second, if you have a mountain bike, get a smooth tire to use on the rear.  And if you have a road bike, you may want to buy a junky tire to use while riding the trainer so that you don't ruin your good tires.  Been there, done that, I'm afraid.


    Go for the hydraulic varieties!

  4. I have a Kurt Kinetic trainer that works really well.

  5. hey go make one yourself with wood and piping. got do stuff the old fashion way do-it-yourself
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