
Bike question?

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Hello, I want to buy good bike for long trip around 6,000 miles. I heard one of the important thing when i choose bike is specific size for me. I went to trek shop. They said they can order specific bike size for me. But, I think I will not buy track because of expensive price. Can do you guys recommend any good bike brand which can also order specific bike size for customer? My budget is around 300~400$. I am worried if there are only expensive specific bikes for customers` size?

Please help me. Thanks in advance.




  1. IMHO you have an inadequate budget and unrealistic expectations. A $400 bike is low end regardless of brand; you should be able to find a serviceable bike in a standard size for that price, but don't expect a custom build. And don't forget, that won't include any touring equipment like racks, fenders, and lighting.

  2. For that kind of money, you'll  probably won't be able to get anything, suitable for your purpose, brand new.

    I would try for a good second hand hard-tail (no suspension) mountain bike or a second-hand "fitness" hybrid /  flat- bar roadbike. That way you can get a decent brand like a Trek, Giant, etc.....

    Most of those bikes have the ability to add racks, fenders and other gadgets.

    Ask around at your local bike shops, because they often have pre-loved bikes in the back. If they know your desired size & style, they should keep an open eye out for you.

    Or maybe you might be prepared to give Craiglist a try as well.

    And if you are lucky, you might come by a slightly used touring bike (or as I call them "Comfy road bikes with granny gears") maybe a Trek, Fuji, etc.

    But they are hard to come by, since most owners tend to keep them for a long time. I know, I've been keeping any eye out for one myself!!

    You'll probably need to bump up your budget a bit though for that option, though.

    6000miles warrants a bike which can handle the journey, so good luck in finding a decent bargain.  

    However, be prepared to extend your budget for accessories  like racks, panniers, fenders, lights etc.

    Good luck

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  4. This question makes no sense.  

    A trip that long will take at least a couple of months.   You can afford to take a couple of months off work, and the money required for food, lodging, etc. on the road, yet you aren't willing to ante up for a decent bike?  

    Methinks you're playing us.

    Besides, if you were in anywhere near the condition it takes for that kind of ride, you would already know enough about bikes to handle the issue yourself.
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