
Bike stolen..son doesn't care..what should I do..Grounded or not?

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I am a little stumped on this one..

My 10 year old son left his bike in the driveway last night around 5 he noticed it was gone, It had been stolen. The thing is..He doesn't seem to care..His comment was oh well, I will ride my old one, The bike was less then a year old and we are not rich..we had to save for a while to get this bike for him.

If he was sorry or anything I would think he wouls have learned his lesson.

SHould I ground him or punish him because he is so passive about it? He really truley does not care..He just keeps saying..It was jsut a bike...It is so frusterating.He is not getting another one for a while.

I need your adive,thoughts,opinions!!

PLZ and thank you!!




  1. not if it was 5 pm

    im 15 and im spoiled but ive always been a penny picher as my mom calls it she offers to but me somthin and ill say no its a waste of $

  2. Personally, I think it makes no sense to ground him because he is passive about it. Would you prefer if he stomped around being so angry?

    I tend to think he has a good view on things..yes, it is just a one got hurt (mainly him by it being hijacked while he was riding it) He can ride an old bike. It is not his fault the bike was stolen! He had it in the drive way.

    You might learn abit from his attitude I think..some things in life you can not control or change..

    Edit..I honestly do not understand why people are saying to make him earn it back..or make him not give him another bike etc..he had his bike in his driveway at 5pm..not over night..not left in thre park..but at his home. Why would he be punished/grounded for being  responsible to park it in the drive way??.It is not his fault someone stole it...Give the gu8y a break..He seems to have a good handle on what to get all irrate about and what not to...

  3. I wouldn't ground him, but I would make him walk.  Don't let him ride the old bike.  Give it away or to a younger brother or sister.  Let him do chores to make money for a new one.  It was his fault for leaving the bike out, but it wasn't his when it was stollen.

  4. no it's his fault someone stole it

    if he wants to get a new bike he needs to save for it

    dont just get it for him

    cause that wont show him any responsibility

    that will show him that you hand him things and

    if he were to loose something again you would just get another!

  5. The only thing that is going to help this is when his old bike breaks or he hates it and actually WANTS a new one.  I say let it slide for right now.  The next time he wants ANYTHING, I don't care if it is a new bike, video game, t-shirt, or whatever, then I suggest you make him earn the money to get it.  He doesn't appreciate it because it was handed to him (and he had a back up bike!!)  When my, now 7 year old, wants a new video game he has to either let me sell some of his games he is no longer playing, or work his little butt off to earn the money to buy it.  He can wash dishes, fold clothes, sweep, or whatever to earn money.  If he really wants it, believe me he gets busy working.  If not, at least I didn't have to waste my money on it!

  6. ha...whatever you do DO NOT BUY HIM A NEW BIKE. my mom did this kind of thing with my younger brother. he would leave his toys outside and they would get lost/broken/stolen and my mom would either buy him a new one or buy him something new to play with. needless to say he is a spoiled little brat.

    when he wants a new toy in the future you are going to have to tell him "no, you didnt take care of your bike so im not getting you something new until you show responsibility for a little while". I dont think i would ground him even though that is very frusturating.

  7. Ground him for what?  His bike got stolen - not overnight, at 5 in the evening.  It's not his fault so why ground him?  As far as him not caring - be happy that he'll ride his old one.  At least he's not begging for a new one right away.

  8. No, don't punish him. His bike being stolen is already a punishment.

  9. Sounds like the stolen bike is punishment enough. Eventually, he'll want to ride it, and it won't be there.

    I'd tell him to take care of a specific object to prove that he is responsible enough to earn his bike back. At which point, buying him another would be allowed.

    You have a chance to teach him about responsibility! Take it!

    Good luck.

  10. How was the bike paid for? Did you buy it? If so, I'd make him do chores and pay you the money back. If he paid then I'd let it go, but don't buy another one. Don't buy him anything for a while for that matter.

  11. well lots of biks have been stolen you should take the other bike to give him some corse to earn that one back if hedose noth he gets nothen

  12. Take away his old bike.  If he doesn't want to take responsibility for his things, he shouldn't have them.  Make him do chores around the house to earn the money to replace the bike.  He doesn't get to ride a bike until he buys himself a new one...when you have to put your own hard work and effort into something, you don't take it for granted.

  13. I had 4 bikes stolen when I was a kid. Only one time was my fault cause I lef the bike outside the house like your son did. My dad didn't punish me, but did make me buy my next bike. I'm guessing if your son didn't have a second bike then he would've been bothered more.

    Maybe you should confiscate something he really cares about (games console) for a few weeks to teach him a lesson? Grounding doesn't work these days as kids just sit watching TV or playing games anyway.

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