
Biker Gals: Can you help me get back my groove?

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Lost my nerve several months ago after an accident and need to hear your stories to inspire me........

e.g. What kind of bike do you have? What do you like about it? Where do you like to ride and with whom? If you could trade in your bike for another, would you get a bigger or smaller bike? Have you ever had an accident? How did you overcome your fear? Anything else you want to add is appreciated.................




  1. A good friend of mine, a woman, had a bad accident a few years ago and broke a lot of bones.  That kind of scared me off riding for a while.  

    She was laid up for months!  But as soon as she was better she was back in the saddle.  She was a real inspiration to me.  You can't live your life afraid, she said.  You gotta do what you gotta do.  She's been fine ever since then.

    And she was right.  We all have to take our chances in life.  We all have to do what we want to do.

    BJ (that's her initials--she and her sisters all have the same initials) had a Harley Sportster but she came into some money and bought a Fat Boy.  She rides in black leather with  a string of pearls around her neck.  She belongs to a group of Harley riders, and when she was laid up they all came and her housework for her!  Who could wish for better friends?

  2. i am not a girl but i have had a few accident, one time I was thrown 20 feet away from my motorbike suffering bruises,gashes and bleeding from one side of my body...

    Then I just keep driving...its fun....less now since I am driving car.

    Mom maybe you can start getting yr confidence and groove back by putting on funky groovy music tomorrow . Dress shorts and yrself.....Come on, your a libra moon..

  3. I had a terrible accident five years ago was laid up from work for a year with broken bones and several surgeries.  It took me sometime to get back on a bike but I started by taking the advanced motorcycle course and it gave me the confidence I needed to get back out there knowing I had more info. on how to avoid those situations and how to handle them better.

  4. Sorry to here you lost your nerve but really did you or are you just not thinking of the freedom,enjoyment,excitement, pleasure, wind in your hair and bugs in your teeth thrill of riding? Remember the way you felt before, while on two wheels. Get back on, throw the leg over. Live long ride free

  5. I don't ride road bikes but dirt bikes that is a different story. My 5 year old son rides a Honda 50 and pretty soon we are going to get him a bigger bike to help him learn to shift gears. I am answering this because if a first time mom can watch her only son go FULL THROTTLE on a dirt bike you can get your confidence back. My uncle died on a motorcycle. I told myself that I would never ride again. But what is life if you can't live it? I couldn't stay in fear forever. I just make sure I wear the proper safety equipment and keep my guardian angel's on stand-by. Lol. Have fun, Live life, and Dream big!

  6. Been down the road a few times.....   & never had the problem of not wanting to get back on....  so its hard for me to advise you....

    my brother lost his nerve for a few years... but hes back riding now.....   so maybe its just a question of time for you to...

  7. I have been riding now for a couple years.. Mainly dirt bikes for a while and then my Gixxer 600 for the last couple months..

    When I was first learning to ride I laid my bike down twice..

    The first time I was riding in the dirt and took a turn to fast.. The bike came right out from under me. Everyone rushed over and we're yelling at me about how stupid it was and I didn't want to get back on. I walked my bike back to our camp and vowed to not get back on it. I thought maybe they were all right, maybe I couldn't do it. But my husband being the man that he is first started by asking me why I wanted to learn to ride in the first place. The thrill right? The feel of freedom. The adventure of it. The wind blowing past you! It is pulse pounding and liberating. Then he asked me if I was gonna miss out on all of that because of a small mistake. He told me "You are to determined of a woman to let this bike win." And he was right!!

    The next day I got back on the bike with more caution &  more knowledge.

    Do you remember the confidance you had when you first learned to ride? Do you remember the sense of accomplishment that comes with riding a steel horse? Well imagion the confidance that you could have from falling and picking yourself up, dusting off and getting back on!

    Take your time if you need to! Ease back into it! But if it is something that you really enjoy doing. Don't let your accident scare you out of doing something that you love.

    As for my bike I love everything about it!! I am a small girl so I think that the 600 has plenty of power for me so I don't have any desire to go bigger at the moment.. but that still could change! My husband and I ride together (he has a Busa, which he loves) When we were in Phoenix we knew alot of different roads that we loved to go riding on.. Now we are in North Carolina and just recently drove "The Dragon".. If you don't know what that is it's a 11 mile road with 318 turns.. It's awesome!

    Well I wish you the best of luck! Remember to ease back into it!

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