
Biking With a friend alone?? PLEASE HELP?

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Ok, so me and my bff are 12 years old and we want to ride our bikes places like 2-3 miles away, we live in Corvallis, Oregon and want to know if it is ok? We asked our parents and they are thinking about it. But we want to try to convince them. Do you think it's safe?




  1. not at all.

  2. I personally do not think it is very safe. But if you are dead set on going with your friend, then you need to look at this a different way. Three miles does not sound like a far way away, but you could easily get lost. So make sure you have immportant things with you, like a map. Also make sure you have your cell phones on you, and if you do not have cell phones take you parents. When you ride down there, time yourself on how long it takes you so you can leave in enough time to get back. DO NOT ride when it is dark, so plan day light hours to go. It would also be a good idea to take your parents with you the first time you go so they can see where you are heading and if it is safe. Parents love to have a mental image of what your doing, so one day, tell them to drive you by there. Well, i hope things work out for you!

  3. im 14 and I like to ride my bike 8+ miles away from home, but then again I live in the middle of nowhere*** ask ur mum 2 buy u pepper spray or something,.,.,.,.,a gun works 2

  4. Yes.  -  First, this is for your parents - I believe we are much to cautious about our children's safety, I have 5 kids (now all in college) and the media has scared us to death using isolated stories to make it seem like it happens all the time.  Are there wackos out there, there always have been, but I also think the kids hear the same media we do and are more aware, we grew up with a blind trust of everyone.

    This is for you and your bff - print out a map of a 3 mile radius and show your parents you understand how to read it, where the hospital is, the police station, where you might go to meet them etc, take a cell phone, wear a helmet, do a dry run with your parent or an older sibling and I think you will be fine.  Good luck

  5. Yeah. Just be careful, you two are very young.

  6. no  not if your my kid

  7. umm ur parents are probly gonna say no, and ur 12 so thats kinda iffy hmmmm try to tell them youl be fine. its probly not safe but i dont live near there so idk

  8. I used to ride 30km with my friends when i was twelve. (thats about 15 miles)

  9. uhh...i think that's not a good idea, sorry

  10. I hate to be an old party pooper, but if I were your parent I would not allow it because of all the kids who go missing doing exactly what you are proposing. I work in Law Enforcement and see alot of missing kid reports and they are always within a couple of miles from home doing some innocent activity like jogging walking or cycling

  11. To be honest, I never went somewhere alone with a friend when I was that young. When I turned 15-16 , thats when my mom let me go off on my own a bit. Because I dont know the area, I can't say if where you're going is safe, but you being only 12, and going alone.. that could be a bit .. 'dangerous'. Maybe if you had a parent near by, but not always right on you, that would be better...

  12. in Oregon probably it is safe in Louisville KY not a good idea.

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