
Bikini hair removal?

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my little sister is just about to go into highschool

she wants to get her bikini waxed, but she's like the baby of the family

im telling her to wait a few years

what do you think?




  1. i think she should do it.

    its not a big deal, and its her choice.

    waxing hurts

    tell her to use nair bikini  

  2. if she can handle it cause they will be in her "business" if she goes to the spa or something. Pretty uncomfortable

  3. Let her do it I suppose. Its not like she wants to show off that area maybe she just isnt comfortable wearing a bikini without it being waxed. (:

  4. A lot of people say, why let her get it, shes just going into high school, she's not going to be showing it off etc.

    But it really shows when you wear a bikini and I know I was really uncomfortable with that.

    I start summer before high school and I used Nair Bikini. It didn't work that well the first times, but after that it was great!

  5. Well, I'd wonder why she would need something like this done.  What climate do you guys live in?  If its a hot climate maybe she just wants it done for the beach?  Does she have a swim class first semester?

    I'd talk to her about her expectations of high school.  She might feel as though she is expected to "put out" because she is in high school.  Let her know that isn't true.  

    Otherwise, let her do it.  It'll hurt like h**l and she will probably get bumps.  It might turn her off it for a while.  Plus, she will always feel like she can come to you in the future when more serious advice is needed.  

  6. Well even though she is your little sister,  it doesn't mean that she isn't growing up really fast. So in my opinion the best thing to do is let her. Not because she should want to get it done, but since she does you won't stop her, she is a rebellious teenager.We all are at one point, and the best thing is to at least know she has a reason for getting it done.
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