
Bilderberg Blackout?

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A group of over 100 world leaders met in Virginia this week. The meeting was held in private, in a locked down hotel with military guards. The list of attendees included every major world central banker, military leaders, politicians, think tank heads, and of course kings and queens. Here is a partial list of interesting people that attended. And unless they were playing checkers and not discussing politics, they are all in violation of the Logan Act.

Ben Bernanke, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury

Robert B. Zoellick, President, World Bank

Jean-Claude Trichet, President, European Central Bank

Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State

Where is the media on this? Why is NOBODY covering this obvious story?

CNBC follows Bernanke around every day reporting about his meetings or events, yet on this day: nothing. Come on... does anyone have a reasonable explanation for this blackout? I'm starting to think conspiracy is true!




  1. Good question!  I have not seen anything except that they had an unscheduled meeting when Clinton conceded the election to Obama.

    Bilderberg 2008 Attendee List



    DEU "Ackermann, Josef" "Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG"

    CAN "Adams, John" Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada

    USA "Ajami, Fouad" "Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University"

    USA "Alexander, Keith B." "Director, National Security Agency"

    INT "Almunia, Joaquín " "Commissioner, European Commission"

    GRC "Alogoskoufis, George" Minister of Economy and Finance

    USA "Altman, Roger C." "Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc."

    TUR "Babacan, Ali " Minister of Foreign Affairs

    NLD "Balkenende, Jan Peter" Prime Minister

    PRT "Balsemão, Francisco Pinto" "Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister"

    FRA "Baverez, Nicolas" "Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP"

    ITA "Bernabè, Franco" "CEO, Telecom Italia Spa"

    USA "Bernanke, Ben S." "Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System"

    SWE "Bildt, Carl" Minister of Foreign Affairs

    FIN "Blåfield, Antti " "Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat"

    DNK "Bosse, Stine" "CEO, TrygVesta"

    CAN "Brodie, Ian " "Chief of Staff, Prime Minister’s Office"

    AUT "Bronner, Oscar" "Publisher and Editor, Der Standard"

    FRA "Castries, Henri de " "Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA"

    ESP "Cebrián, Juan Luis" "CEO, PRISA"

    CAN "Clark, Edmund" "President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group"

    GBR "Clarke, Kenneth" Member of Parliament

    NOR "Clemet, Kristin" "Managing Director, Civita"

    USA "Collins, Timothy C." "Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC"

    FRA "Collomb, Bertrand" "Honorary Chairman, Lafarge"

    PRT "Costa, António" Mayor of Lisbon

    USA "Crocker, Chester A." James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies

    USA "Daschle, Thomas A." Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader

    CAN "Desmarais, Jr., Paul " "Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada"

    GRC "Diamantopoulou, Anna" Member of Parliament

    USA "Donilon, Thomas E." "Partner, O’Melveny & Myers"

    ITA "Draghi, Mario" "Governor, Banca d’Italia"

    AUT "Ederer, Brigitte" "CEO, Siemens AG Österreich"

    CAN "Edwards, N. Murray " "Vice Chairman, Candian Natural Resources Limited"

    DNK "Eldrup, Anders " "President, DONG A/S"

    ITA "Elkann, John" "Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A."

    USA "Farah, Martha J." "Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience; Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania"

    USA "Feldstein, Martin S." "President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research"

    DEU "Fischer, Joschka" Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

    USA "Ford, Jr., Harold E." "Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc."

    CHE "Forstmoser, Peter" "Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital Markets Law, University of Zürich"

    IRL "Gallagher, Paul " Attorney General

    USA "Geithner, Timothy F. " "President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York"

    USA "Gigot, Paul " "Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal"

    IRL "Gleeson, Dermot " "Chairman, AIB Group"

    NLD "Goddijn, Harold" "CEO, TomTom"

    TUR "Gögüs, Zeynep " "Journalist; Founder,"

    USA "Graham, Donald E." "Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company"

    NLD "Halberstadt, Victor" "Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings"

    USA "Holbrooke, Richard C. " "Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC"

    FIN "Honkapohja, Seppo" "Member of the Board, Bank of Finland"

    INT "Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de" "Secretary General, NATO"

    USA "Hubbard, Allan B." "Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc."

    BEL "Huyghebaert, Jan" "Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group"

    DEU "Ischinger, Wolfgang" Former Ambassador to the UK and US

    USA "Jacobs, Kenneth" "Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S., Lazard Frères & Co. LLC"

    USA "Johnson, James A." "Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC" (Obama’s man tasked with selecting his running mate)

    SWE "Johnstone, Tom " "President and CEO, AB SKF"

    USA "Jordan, Jr., Vernon E." "Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC"

    FRA "Jouyet, Jean-Pierre " Minister of European Affairs

    GBR "Kerr, John " "Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc."

    USA "Kissinger, Henry A." "Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc."

    DEU "Klaeden, Eckart von" "Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU"

    USA "Kleinfeld, Klaus" "President and COO, Alcoa"

    TUR "Koç, Mustafa " "Chairman, Koç Holding A.S."

    FRA "Kodmani, Bassma" "Director, Arab Reform Initiative"

    USA "Kravis, Henry R." "Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co."

    USA "Kravis, Marie-Josée" "Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc."

    INT "Kroes, Neelie " "Commissioner, European Commission"

    POL "Kwasniewski, Aleksander " Former President

    AUT "Leitner, Wolfgang" "CEO, Andritz AG"

    ESP "León Gross, Bernardino" "Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister"

    INT "Mandelson, Peter" "Commissioner, European Commission"

    FRA "Margerie, Christophe de" "CEO, Total"

    CAN "Martin, Roger" "Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto"

    HUN "Martonyi, János" "Professor of International Trade Law; Partner, Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs"

    USA "Mathews, Jessica T. " "President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace"

    INT "McCreevy, Charlie " "Commissioner, European Commission"

    USA "McDonough, William J." "Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc."

    CAN "McKenna, Frank" "Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group"

    GBR "McKillop, Tom " "Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group"

    FRA "Montbrial, Thierry de" "President, French Institute for International Relations"

    ITA "Monti, Mario" "President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi"

    USA "Mundie, Craig J. " "Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation"

    NOR "Myklebust, Egil" "Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA"

    DEU "Nass, Matthias" "Deputy Editor, Die Zeit"

    NLD "Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the"

    FRA "Ockrent, Christine" "CEO, French television and radio world service"

    FIN "Ollila, Jorma" "Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc"

    SWE "Olofsson, Maud " Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister

    NLD "Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of"

    GBR "Osborne, George" Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer

    TUR "Öztrak, Faik" Member of Parliament

    ITA "Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso " Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe

    GRC "Papahelas, Alexis" "Journalist, Kathimerini"

    GRC "Papalexopoulos, Dimitris" "CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A."

    USA "Paulson, Jr., Henry M." Secretary of the Treasury

    USA "Pearl, Frank H." "Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC"

    USA "Perle, Richard N." "Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research"

    FRA "Pérol, François" Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs

    DEU "Perthes, Volker" "Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik"

    BEL "Philippe, H.R.H. Prince"

    CAN "Prichard, J. Robert S." "President and CEO, Torstar Corporation"

    CAN "Reisman, Heather M." "Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc."

    USA "Rice, Condoleezza" Secretary of State

    PRT "Rio, Rui " Mayor of Porto

    USA "Rockefeller, David " "Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank"

    ESP "Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias" "Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander"

    USA "Rose, Charlie" "Producer, Rose Communications"

    DNK "Rose, Flemming" "Editor, Jyllands Posten"

    USA "Ross, Dennis B." "Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy"

    USA "Rubin, Barnett R." "Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International Cooperation, New York University"

    TUR "Sahenk, Ferit &quo

  2. We are at the mercy of transnational n***s. It's been true for about 30 years, but recently they have decided to make their move.

    A fascist state will be in place before the next US elections.

  3. This group is so highly secretive the average citizen knows nothing about it.  Seeing the list of those who attended helps one to realize there are secret things going on that involve our monies, our politics, and many other vital things in our nation.  And one wonders if these 'plans' they have are for the good of this nation, and the world.  I doubt it.  It does appear they are out to control the world in many ways.  This truly fits into Biblical prophecy.  Read the book of Revelation, and the book of Daniel.  It is as if you are reading today's newspapers.

  4. You may be right, my friend.  Is it possible the media is fearful of this group?
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