
Bilingual wedding ceremony order?????? ?

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Our wedding is in about two weeks..and its bilingual, with English and Spanish. Any options or experiences with what should be English or Spanish in the ceremony? I believe that the majority of Andres' family that is coming is bilingual but I definitely want to have some influences of the language. thanks :)

I'm so excited!!




  1. I attended a bilingual wedding a couple of years ago and I thought it was really nicely done.  The officiant greeted the congregation in English then in Spanish.  Most of the ceremony was in English but the main readings were in both languages.  The closing notes were also in both languages.

    Just a thought...

  2. maybe have whoever is marrying you give an opening line in spanish like "thank you for coming to the marriage of ___ and __"

    or just throw in some little lines and at the end have them say in spanish "you may kiss the the bride" and then say it again in english..

  3. You could have the ceremony in English, and if you have a singer or choir they could sing in Spanish.

  4. The basic ceremony is no different with a bilingual wedding.  You just need to decide which parts you'd like in spanish and which in english.  You should also consult with your officiant and find out what suggestions they have.

    It also depends on wether you are having a religious ceremony or civil ceremony.  In a civil ceremony you can arrange it how ever you want, I would suggest to have 2 readings 1 in english and 1 in spanish.

    BUT if you are having a church ceremony there may be a specific order to things.  (Especially in a Catholic wedding.)  You should ask the church for a basic outline of a ceremony from their church then you can decide which parts to do in english and which in spanish.

    Good luck!

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