
Bill Clinton could have had Bin Laden handed over to U.S. years ago & he did not take him. Why?

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One can only guess the amount of millions of $$$$$$$ this would have saved US tax payers. Also, if ole Bill would have signed a bill to allow for drilling we would not now be in the mess we are now with gas prices & oil dependence. Americans are still paying for his mistakes - THANKS BILL!




  1. America would put him in a country club prison. Give him a color TV and personal trainer. Feed him three big Muslim meals per day complete with imported wine. Give him a team of America's best lawyers, paid for by the tax payers. Take him before a liberal, catch and release judge, who would sentence him to 9,000 years for mass murder, but set his mandatory release date for 9 months. The anti America mass media would then pay him millions of dollars to write a hate filled anti America book which would be bought by all the liberals in America, making him rich like Al Gore. When he was released, he would run for congress as a democrat from New York and he would win in a landslide.

  2. Bush has spent billions of dollars and sacrificed countless lives and still,no results.Nice rant though.You can truely thank your faithfully misguided bush.

  3. OK, I'll give you the bin Laden thing.  I suspect Bill is still kicking himself.

    But the drilling?  This mystifies me.  The moratorium on offshore drilling expires every single year, just as it does this year.  Republicans were in control of both houses of Congress from 1995 to 2007.  All the Republican Congress needed to do was NOT renew the moratorium in any single one of those years.  Bill Clinton could have done nothing about it.  The Democratic minority in the Senate could have done nothing about it.  Instead, they renewed the moratorium 12 years in a row.  Bush has signed the moratorium renewal bill 7 years in a row.  He waited 7-1/2 years to lift the executive order banning new offshore drilling.  So thank Newt Gingrich, d**k Armey, Dennis Hastert, Trent Lott, and Bill Frist for the 12 missed opportunities to end the moratorium on offshore drilling, and thank Bush and Cheney for waiting until the last 6 months of their second term before they even gave this a thought.

  4. they knew where he was at;  and were going to send in a smart bomb.  problem was some saudi prince was there with him and the administration did not want any collateral damage.  bill had the chance and dropped the ball.  laden had just mastermind the embassy bombings in africa.

  5. You're wrong.  It was all George H. W. Bush's fault.  He and Jim Baker of the Carlyle Group are chummy with the Bin Laden family.

    Get your cranium out of your a**s.

  6. Bill dropped the ball many times.  Guess he was too busy playing with Monica and his cigars.

  7. He did not have the courage. 9 11 never would have happened!

  8. Are you kidding? Osama Bin Laden, the Mass Murderer, who is still at large under the Bush Administration. Masterminded 9/11 under the Bush Administrations watch. Clinton was long gone, had he tried to fly planes into the twin towers under Clinton, Bill would have made sure that the homeland security was ready to shoot them down, but they were not under Bush. Second, Gas was no where near the price under Clinton, because Bill had no ties to Oil companies, unlike our current president!

  9. Sudan offered bin Laden to Saudi Arabia, not the US.  Saudi Arabia refused to take him, because he'd be trouble for them.

    You people are full of it.

  10. I was told that he was advised not to deal with Bin Laden because it would be seen as trying to evade the whole Lewisky thing.

  11. Actually, he did not have that opportunity.

  12. Totally agree.  He was one of the worst Presidents of this Country.  Sad but true.

  13. Because he was busy with Monica Lewinsky!!  That was HIS priority.  

  14. Please stop sickening us with propaganda.

    "W" still would've found a way to get to Iraq. He simply would not have gone through Afghanistan first.  

    Thanks Bill, for giving us a surplus of money, and actual, kept promises

  15. First of all, oil dependance has been a failure of the US government since 1973 and the oil embargo. (Hmmmm.That puts it into the Nixon administration, when it really was driven home. Since 1973, Republican administration years outnumber democratic ones 24 to 12).

    Second, the 9/11 commission has found no credible evidence that the Sudanese government offered to turn Osama over to the US.

    Third, in October 2001, the Taliban offered to turn over Osama to the US government, but George Bush rejected it.

    And if George didn't invade Iraq, think of how much money would have been saved from that fiasco

  16. when the war against us by the terrorist started in 1993 and their FIRST WT attack he didn't do c**p!

    and then the barracks bombing in Saudi arabia BY the same terrorists..

    then the bombing of our embassies in Africa BY the same terrorists..

    bill left us in this mess! and now they love him..the idiots!

    and now we pay for it!

  17.   Well, Bill was busy with Oval Office enter-

    tainment and couldn't be bothered with ending

    any terrorist's bombings, even in the U.S. After

    911, Bush is the one with guts enough to fight

    back. He thought over 3000 innocent lost lives

    in NewYork and D.C. was worth it. We've put

    down a bunch of the top terrorists so far, and

    just too bad one wasn't binLaden (or was it?).

    Clinton was too young and too inexperienced to

    be Commander-in-Chief during his presidency,

    so he didn't put up a fight for America.

  18. WRONG ! The repub controlled CIA stopped him from doing so. Please get your facts straight next time.

    And BTW, Bush has had 8 years to get his oil pal Osama.

    And, Bill left the white house with millions of dollars in the black. We're now more in the red than we have been in history. We owe 500 billion dollars just to China.

    I guess you don't realize Bill has been out of office for 8 years ?

  19. We had Bin Laden once... We were training him. Yeah yeah yeah. Now we're back in Iraq training a bunch of Bin Ladens.

    They'll just turn on us again.

  20. The Bin Laden thing was the worst. 3 times he could of had him. One time there was a prince from the United Arab Emirates there so it got canceled. The other 2 times they felt they wouldn't of been able to build a strong enough court case to convict him.

    At the time signing the oil drilling bill, wouldn't of made sense. The prices where so cheap at the time.

  21. i think he is better ,, koz no war was in his time , less ppl killed around the world

  22. Not quite true. But we can expect that from a republican.The fact is Bill was sending cruise missiles into Bin Leden's training camps. The GOP stopped him saying that it was only a ploy to divert attention from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

    The responsibly of 9/11 falls squarely on the GOP.

  23. Bill was not interested enough in protecting American families.  He was more worried about not making waves with Arabs who over the years gave him a ton of money for "giving speeches" and for his library.

  24. hey i like your name nobama thats catchy lolzz!! but i agree clinton could have save the U.S millions i mean billions but the clintons are idiots point blank.

  25. Blame, blame, blame, blame You never take responsibility for who was in charge. Clinton warned Bush but he didn't take it seriously. The man is an idiot. Don't blame Clinton for everything that Bush did.

  26. Just like the current Dems, he just couldn't bring himself to go to war.

    After all, who would be brave enough to take on this great country?

    We can be diplomats and convince others to think our way.

    Yeah, right. Worked real well too, didn't it?

  27. Slick Willy was too embroiled in endless scandals and investigations to ever even do his job.

    I always laughed when he said his good ol' line "...I need to get back to work for the American people..." every time he needed to dodge a question by some reporter.

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