
Bill Clinton still has it don't he?

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Bill Clinton still has it don't he?




  1. I like Bill Clinton i think he was one of the best presidents in presidental history he is number 1 I give Bill Clinton a A 100% the econmy was good up and adam . the job market was strong as a brick.

    in the Bill Clinton admidistration those times were the good / best times. he was a great smart / strong leader for our country i like his leadership 100%. he was a better president then president obama. / Geroge W Bush as well. president obama an`t anywhere near Bill Clinton / Bill Clinton is far better then Geroge W Bush. if Bill Clinton could run for 2012 Demercratic presidental primary Bill Clinton vs President Obama I will vote for Bill Clinton in a second. Bill Clinton Vs Replubican runner at the 2012 Genral election I will vote for Bill Clinton.

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