
Bill Maher says Gov. Palin is a "stewardess" Is this guy for real? Or...?

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0 LIKES UnLike he just in the tank for Obama?

Since when do we listen to political commentary (and take it seriously)from a joke bag?

Will the Liberal smear campaign backfire and help creat a Republican landslide from the folks still clinging to their guns and religion?

Please opine if you hve the time, and don't be a...blooter!




  1. Some here want to call Maher a practitioner of "satire". Yet he is so in the tank for the left it isn't funny.

    As you say, here's the punch line?

    Lets ridicule Obama for sounding like Osama!

    Or, the guy advocating change is stuck in old-style leftist ideology left over from the 1880's socialist That's new and exciting.

    The only thing new and exciting now is Gov. Palin. If Black America is so in the tank for their Black candidate, I'm sure 90 % of women are considering Palin. Now that's BIG trouble for the Dems ...who regularly count on their segmented constituencies for lopsided support.  

  2. Short and sweet:  He's a sexist PIG!  

    The entire Democratic party is.


    Palin 08

  3. He's supporting the party of 'change', just make sure that change doesn't include a female.  

    Yeah, joke bag is a good description, but you're really being too kind.

  4. Yup, I don't take political commentary seriously at all.  Nice avatar.

  5. So...Why are you listening to political commentary (and taking it seriously) from a joke bag? you just in the tank for Palin

    Palin IS a "stewardess" of the Republican slide from the folks still clinging to their guns and religion!

  6. Speaking of a joke bag.

    Nice avatar.

  7. It's called satire. It is a comparison to more qualified canidates. Republicans have been bashing Obama on his experience for quite some time.

  8. Thank God America is still in her right mind and will vote McCain this November.

    Maher is for liberals and Obama is the big daddy of them all.

  9. Maher like most Canadians are homos.

  10. Yeah he is in the tank for Obama. He's not a journalist.He's a comedian.

    By the way,the Republicans are the ones who smeared Obama.

    Funny,you can dish out the dirt,but you can't take it when someone attacks your side

    Also,just because he said that doesn't mean that all liberals agree with him

    I certainly don't

  11. Think McCain would have gotten this response if he has chosen Olympia Snowe, or Condi Rice, or Kay Bailey Hutchinson?

    A former Sports reporter on TV, a second place beauty contest winner, a moose skinner. and a year and a half as a governor isn't exactly a sterling resume.

    You have your guns and religion voters, but, frankly only the extreme fundies are for things like teaching creationism alongside science. Or against abortions for rape and incest victims.  Those stances go farther than the mainstream, she may get the snake handlers, and the ones who speak in tongues, but your average churchgoer is a bit embarrassed.

    As McCain should be.  There were other, far better choices.

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