
Bill McKibben books? Recommendations?

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Bill McKibben, noted environmentalist author, is visiting my campus in the fall and I would like to have read at least a few of his books by then so I'll be more up to speed with what's going on.

Can anyone recommend what you think are his "best" books, or in what order I should read his books? Which are your favorites? Why? Thanks! I really appreciate it!




  1. I'm working on "Deep Economy" right now. Very insightful.  I've mostly read some of his articles over the years.  2nd link has one for you to get started on.

    I hope you get a chance to ask a question when he visits, if you'd like to.  Having read some of his work would enable you to ask a really good one.

  2. How about getting a broad scope with The Bill McKibben Reader?

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