
Billy and mandy The fright before christmas hints or cheats?

by Guest284  |  earlier

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  1. Guest58305

     has anyone used POPCORN? I can't use it. I lost at 49 lv because of it.  Also it anyone upgrade candles? you have vanilla, cranberry, blueberry, what else? is those candles actually work ?

  2.  You could search on (english language) "The fright before christmas " then click on first result then all sells are cost 1pts. 

  3. do any of you know any cheats for the game

  4. i was doing really good on lvl 25 until i bought the marbles. i lost soooo badly on that lvl cause of the marbles i didnt even have time to collect money.

  5. Use marcy doll, magnet, and best vac. but be careful with the magnet, if you hit something with it that is hitting you then it is like you r being attacked by infinite toys. try hitting the really slow moving ground enemies then all you have to worry about is the other side then when it gets close destroy all the air enemies first [dolls, bears, balloons, etc.] then use the marcy doll to wipe out all the ground enemies in one strike. really useful for collecting a lot of money fast to.

  6. Marbles are so useless, so don't think their strong just because their expensive!

  7. i reely need help as well

  8. i reach level 60 i want to say to you dont buy the marble or popcorn
    the weapon of billy mr grim and mandy is
    mandy doll
    billy magnet or time clock
    mr grim vortex

  9. Ive Gotten To Level 67 With The Marcy Doll & Vertex . I Dont Use Billy . He's Worthless Unless Yuh Buy The Clock . (: Also Upqrade Candles ALOT ! Trust Me :) Good Luck Tho . I Hope It Helps :D

  10. I got to level 64
    I would say don't buy the marbles(to little destruction) or the popcorn(to random)
    Best posible weapons : Mandy-Marcy doll
                           Grim-Portable vortex
                           Billy-magnet or timeclock
    In the begining go for the marcy doll then the upgrade candles. After that save till you can buy grim's third item then upgrade candles once more. Just keep upgrading grim till he has the vortex. Finally save and but billy's 3 item and save (without buying snowglobe) and buy the time clock. With these items I always get to level 55 at least.

  11. I got to level 64
    I would say don't buy the marbles(to little destruction) or the popcorn(to random)
    Best posible weapons : Mandy-Marcy doll
                           Grim-Portable vortex
                           Billy-magnet or timeclock
    In the begining go for the marcy doll then the upgrade candles. After that save till you can buy grim's third item then upgrade candles once more. Just keep upgrading grim till he has the vortex. Finally save and but billy's 3 item and save (without buying snowglobe) and buy the time clock. With these items I always get to level 55 at least.

  12. i have got to level 56 dont by the marbles keep marcy doll and use magnet or do just marcy doll save up for the best stuff is what i think u guys should do

  13. i actually am on level 54 an i am still using the marcy doll and the snowglobe, although the chestnuts worked really well for me also. I think its worth it to invest in the stronger candles because they really help if you were overwhelmed by toys for a while. After that, I'd focus mainly on the vacuums since that means you get parts faster, which helps when you dont really have time to suck them all up before more toys attack. =]

  14. Me too,

    The marbles sucks

    I am on lv 35 and use snow globe, helps me when too many enemies appear and then I use Marcy Doll =)

  15. i agree w/ that method, i got to level 19.. and also  but the shopmeister and upgrade the candles!

  16. I'm not sure that there are any cheats but a hint I would give is to save up to buy the marcy doll and the ultra magnet. hit the ultra magnet on one of the slow moving toys then shoot all the fast moving toys e.g balloon, action figure etc that have been attracted to the slow moving toy. i got upto level 39 using that method and i would have got further, if i hadnt bought the marbles (the weapon after the marcy doll). so just stick with the marcy doll and the ultra magnet, and you should get really far! =)

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