
Bin Laden's driver Convicted! What is next?

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If Osama Bin Laden cannot hire a driver without the driver in fear of prosecution by the United States Government then I am deeply saddened. The the founding fathers all in their graves are likely quivering at this point. Did the Govt prosecute Capones chaffeur? h**l no! Did the Govt prosecute Leoni Helmlseys driver? You got it...h**l NO.




  1. did you actually think the verdict was going to be different? Militiary court, judges, attorneys, and jury. It was a rigged trial from the start.

  2. I agree with you.  This has set a precedence.  Now, every taxi and limo driver in the USA has to worry whether the customer they are driving is a criminal.  If they are, the driver can now be charged for driving them around.  This is not good.

  3. It is Osama Bin Laden's driver, of course he should be convicted! Just because those particular people weren't convicted does not mean that all people who helped these evil people who have cause murder and misery should be given freedom a nice big pat on the back! I mean come on what the h**l is wrong with you?

  4. let us all hope that he gets his testi*cles chopped off and they make ear rings out of them.

  5. I know I feel a lot safer knowing a chauffeur is no longer free to drive the streets.

    Thank you military court, you got your first conviction in seven years!

  6. It's not like Toby Keith didn't warn him.  

  7. I see you are against the American government.

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