
Bin Laden is not real muslim, is it ???

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Bin Laden is not real muslim, is it ???




  1. Well, he is a 'real' muslim, but no, he does not keep to the muslim creed. A true believer would not kill people.

  2. Yes he is a devout muslim this is the true face of Islam overseas.

  3. If he did anything as told...... by western media and America....    Not sure it's true.....    ofcouse he is not a muslim.....  

    becouse a real muslim cannot kill a innocent human......

  4. Forget whether Bin Laden is a Muslim or not, the real question is, does he really exist?

    We do not know whether he is alive or whether "Bin Laden" ever existed.

    He may be dead and may have been dead for a long time and either the West know this and are playing on the peoples minds to retain fear or do not know and are being told he is alive by Bin Laden's aides to keep people on their toes.

    There is in fact evidence to suggest that "Bin Laden" does not exist and that the West created a being in order to instill fear in the people and legitimise attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq and general hatred for Muslims.

    In short, a real Muslim does not murder people as Murder is strictly forbidden in Islam. There are some exceptions and those relate to warfare. But no one is allowed to kill innocent civilians in any situation.

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