
Binging and purging?

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Does purging cause you to gain weight?

I know binging and purging does because you don't get rid of all the calories, but what if you only binge on 150-200 calories, and then purge that?

(please don't tell me I need help, I'm getting enough of that)




  1. Yes purging can help you gain weight because starving your body makes your body hang onto calories even harder.  However, purging does make your teeth disgusting and ruin your throat, so it's totally worth doing!

  2. im pretty sure it would help

    but i mean im starving myself

    and that always works too

    and i know people say i have problems too

  3. if you eat 200 calories then purge it at the MOST you will purge 100 calories worth. So it'll still be a net gain of 100 calories.

    Hope you like dentures- vommitting is bad for your teeth.

  4. yes it does cause u to gain weight , u wont lose any weight by vomiting ur food trust me

    also as soon as u eat normal again or for just a day u will put it back on

    u are also runining ur stomach insides throat and ur teeth

  5. Yes it can.  It ruins your metabolism and much more!  It's not just about the calorie intake. It will kill you and is very dangerous.  If it doesn't kill you and you are lucky you will be left with a very wrecked body and worthless teeth.  I don't think you are getting enough help either.  There can be no good out of the knowledge of the information that you are requesting, other than people just telling you not to do it at all.

  6. Honestly, don't do it.  I know thats not what you want to hear. But, I have been through all of this before.  It will make you gain weight.  Your body isn't getting what it needs so your body will start feeding off of extra fat first, then extra muscle and your metabolism will slow down because of the lack of vitamins/minerals.  On top of that you will get other loss is a main one, and other health issues depending on which vitamins you miss the most.  If you want to loose weight, just eat about 5 small meals a day that cover all of your food groups, work out 3-5 times a week - cardio and weight training, and it always helps to have a workout buddy.  I am 18 and have been going through this for 6 years.  I am married now and my husband has helped me get over it almost entirely.  I was 95 pounds and 5'4" up until December 2007 and now I weigh 110-115 and I look way healthier than I ever did.  So just be careful and don't get into the eating disorder is very hard to get out of that mindset, if you even ever can.

  7. idk never tried that before maybe i should ( if i wanna be stupied and die) NO OFFENCE
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