
Bio Diesel In the Winter?

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I would like to convert to Bio Diesel and get a DIY kit to put in my work shed. Trouble is I live in Montana and it gets cold here in the winter (below freezing). I have heard that cold and bio diesel don't really agree with each other. Is there a tank heater available I could put on my vehicle's gas tank to keep the fuel warm enough to use? Would I also need a block heater?




  1. Diesel and cold temperatures generally don't go together well. Heating only the tank can be a problem as the Diesel can "freeze" in the pipes that lead from the tank to the motor. You can use additives to prevent this or add some gasoline (petrol)

  2. The block heater would be a good idea considering on how cold it does get in Montana. However the guy who told you to add gasoline to your diesel is asking you to ruin your engine. However, at the truck stops there in Montana, as well as the auto parts stores you can find a chemical that is completely safe to run in an engine that is running biodiesel to prevent it from gelling up, diesel dosent freeze, it turns to a gel. Also if you are going to be buying your diesel in Montana during the winter, it has an anti gelling agent in it during the winter months, however it is always a good idea to purchace the additive considering the intense winters you guys get there. Another sid note is when you are running your engine, diesel engines are designed to keep the fuel warm, as the fuel goes to the injectors extra is sent on purpose to pass by the exhaust manifold to get warmed up on its way back to the fuel tank, warming the rest of the fuel inside the tank. But again installing a block heater would be a good idea because I know how cold it gets in the middle of the night in Montana. I hope my advise helped and have a nice day.

  3. The block heater should do it. How big is the operating motor? Does it run on glow plugs?

  4. I use it in the winter time and have no problems at all, I live in KY and it gets very cold here too.

  5. just increase the percentage of diesel in the fuel during the winter months.  

    for instance, i run b99 regularly, but in the winter months, i use b80.

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