
Bio Fuel Business and Generation?

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Does anybody have any experience of creating biofuel from oils (such as veg oil or anything recyclable?). If so where are good sources of instructions for creating it? How did you manage? Did it work?

Also, what are the rules (and laws) if any for creating this? How much does it sell for? Do you need licenses to sell fuel or is this classed as non dangerous?

All help appreciated.




  1. Currently Daimler Benz is working on a biodiesel derived from thr oil of Jatropha seeds. This is a semiarid zone plant that does not compete with food crops and needs little water.

    It will also generate a lot of employment in developing countries like India, which also have large tracts of such land.

  2. i think you still need a licence if it is to be sold to others and if its a fuel then the apropriate tax will have to be added. then that makes it not worth doing it in the first place as their is no fruit for your labour but used filtered chipfat oil works well in your diesel enging but i dont know the long term effects to your car ive done it a couple of times and my car is fine. usually about 50/50 mix but dont get caught. youll get your car crushed but mine is a old banger so i dont care one bit

  3. weekend course covering all you want to know -


  4. Honestly I don't know how most companies create biodiesel, but I wanted to mention something that I saw on TV pertaining to this.  Do you every watch the show Mythbusters?  They actually took a diesel car without any engine modifications, and successfully ran it using used frying oil as fuel.  They simply got some used oil from a fast food place, and filtered the particulates out of it.  The car worked completely normally on this fuel.  Doesn't seem like the fuel needs to be too complex to work, as this was just some basic cooking oil.

    Good luck!

  5. On the science channel about a year ago i saw some guy driving an old datsun running on bio-diesel made from burrito grease!

  6. If you do a search for bio-deisel on you-tube, there are about 6? informative uploads...


    (There's also one I've seen on you-tube,  google or yahoo videos about running a car on water...)

  7. WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!

    Veg fuel oil ruins turbos very quickly unless lube oil is changed frequently....hence cheaper to use proper diesel in first place

  8. Some people were using old frying oil and HM Customs were alerted and they were asked for "duties". You are better off buying from BP is what I say.

  9. Here is a recipe to make your own biodeisel.

    Yes it works. Does scavenge deposits in older systems so run a second fuel filter.

    The expensive part is obtaining the methanol. You could make your own but you would need a distilling licence.

    You will have to check you laws as everywhere in the world is different. The cost of production varies dramatically depending on the cost of the oil and the methanol.

    There are many large scale biodeisel plants in operation around the world. They base production on what is readily available in the area. They are quite profitable and generally retail the product a few cents below that of the fossil version.

    There is quite a bit of work in making your own. There are risks involved if you sell it. People will sue if your fuel damages their engine. (h**l they will sue if the sun rises)

    If you have the money go big scale. If you have the time make your own. If you have neither maybe buy shares in a company that does produce it.

    Either way good luck

  10. A diesel will burn lube oil . The vegetable oil is good but u need to filter every thing out so it will not plug the injectors.  There is a tax to be paid on all fuels . We need to do as much of this as possible as I think the Arabs will use it as a weapon against us some day.

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