
Bio-Fuel from algae, when are we going to get started?

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Bio-Fuel from algae, when are we going to get started?




  1. It is not just algae but all green plants. The plants have done it for millions of years and will continue.

  2. There are already several companies working on algae biofuel.  However, it will take time to develop.  Probably about a decade before we start to see it on any kind of large scale.

  3. We started a while ago, but there is only one company that knows how to do it. They are very secretive. Brazil uses sugar ethanol, BTW.

  4. It has already started in certain plants, factories and laboratories in the US. They grow them in water filled plastic bags left under the sun.

    However, there are not all advantages to using biofuels. One is that there will still be some carbon emitted, which is where the green label of biofuels start to turn brown :D

    Just for your information, biofuels can also be used from marsh grass, sugar cane and corn, which are usually more common. Since you talked about algae, you probably know more than enough compared to some people :D

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