
Bio-Oil users..............?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone used it or is using it?

I bought some about a week ago and have been using it twice a day like it says and already, i've noticed a difference in my skin tone! I'm not wearing any foundation today - at work too!!




  1. There are different view sabout this but i'll give it the thumbs up. The oil is very nice and will smooth your skin, nice cent, nice colour.  

  2. yes i used it and i didn't feel there was any change to my scar. i discontinued use of it though because it was greasy and for me it didn't work.

  3. I use it on my stretch marks, which are right behind the knees (don't know what it's called sorry!), and it really has lightened the marks incredibly! I've litereally been using it for literally a month, and it works wonders, and makes skin feeling subtle and soft!

  4. although its greasy, it works. I've been using it for a few weeks and my scar has changed dramatically. I recommend it to anyone

  5. I've been using this stuff for two weeks now, an even though I'm yet to notice any change / fading to the scars on my face, I haven't gotten ONE new zit! And I'm just before that time of the month if you know what I mean ;-)

  6. I've used bio oil for over 2 months. It worked really well for the skin tone on my face but after the first month it tends not to work as good. Also i tried it on my stretch marks but it didn't help/

  7. Hello,

    Yes it works... that iis great news for you that it works.


  8. i use it on my face it has evened out my skin  & reduced spots on my face

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