
Bio combination six for toddlers?

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I have a 15 month old toddler. She goes to day care and hence is sick with cold all the time. Can I give her Bio Combination Six for cold and cough? How much and how often should I give her?




  1. The only reason you should ever give a child (of any age) any product would be if the label says the proper dose for that age/weight child and/or if the child's doctor says it's okay to take it.

    It's not good to randomly give a child a product (regardless of whether it's a supplement or a drug) the same way that you would give an adult a product (Tylenol for a headache a few times a week, for example) because a child's body can't handle them as well as an adult's body can.

    That being said, my best recommendation would be to ask a doctor that doesn't automatically dislike supplements (that product sounds like a supplement, based on the name, but I'm guessing). Good luck to the both of you!

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