
Bio-plastics - What are the products that can be made out of it? Where I can buy them?

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Bio-plastics - What are the products that can be made out of it? Where I can buy them?




  1. bioplastics can also be made from PHAs, or something like that (google that). These are bacteria that are genetically chnaged to prodce bioplastics. They are used to make bags and packaging stuff. there is some company, i think, in Germany, that grows these bacterium and produces the plastic, and i dont think it is that big internationally. So i dont think u can buy products made from them

  2. Bio-plastics are made out of corn. Although there is a new type that just got patterned that uses soy. You can actually buy the New Wave Enviro Corn bottle on Warning if you leave water in them to for long it tastes kind of weird.

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