
Biodiesel, What do you think?

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What are the consensus opinios of this alternative fuel?




  1. Good quation,Current energy problem can be taken care by using commen seance match and mix natural resource Wind,Sun , ethanol and biodiesel.Producing Biodiesel from Palm,Jatropa,Algae and Ponyamia being not a food item will not affect hike in food value and shortage of food and usage of prime product is good for Animal feed and  fertiliser.Will increase farmers incom by 7 to10 fold.Good for family,Nation and  Specially 3rd world country.In direct benefit for Developing country.e.g 30 % production of required Biodesial  in Underdevelope country so morre oil in open market.Lot of land and manpower is availabe in those country.They needs awearness and techenolegy help.Does it make any sence? Hope this will help you and others to understandconcept of engery solution.

  2. there will never be enough of it to significantly replace the oil that is currently used.

    there is just not enough energy in the light striking the earth, in places that are not dedicated to growing food, and also have sufficiently productive soil, and sufficient water, to grow enough to be economically effective.

    that's not to say that you cannot run a car on MacDonalds leftovers.

    but you need to consider that that oil is the residue from several hundred people.

    and it's enough to power 1 or 2 cars.

    while the idea is nice, too many people fail to see the problem of scale.

    finally, this is not to say we shouldn't use it where possible.

    but keep in mind, it will only be a small part of the energy requirement.

  3. I have a bio diesel plant 4 blocks from my house and its absolutely the cleanest quietest plant that i have ever seen . The bio diesel that they manufacture is made from mostly corn and wheat by products . Its made a big difference in our economy here so i am all for it and wish more people were . Anything that can help the environment and create jobs at the same time can't be that bad can it

  4. Actually my neighbor is getting a bio diesel processing plant for $4500 and our other buddy collects fry oil and can get at least 900 gallons a month. It is easy to make 100% bio diesel to use in our trucks and the only cost to us is to replace our fuel filters about once a month for the first three months as the system gets cleaned out. It will cost us about 80cents a gallon to make and we can sell it to neighbors for about $1.60/gallon for a 80cent per gallon profit. It only takes about 24 hours to process 120 gallons of biodiesel

  5. The problem is that you need alot of agricultural land to make bio-diesel. This land could be used to grow food for society. its a step in the right direction but its not a solution.

  6. The only limitation is the amount of input material or "feedstock". Algaculture is proving invaluable as a contender by producing algae in amounts that may actually meet the demand some day.

    Some mythical thing called a "photobioreactor" is at the heart of the revolution. Take a look at the links.

  7. During WWII we all saves wast cooking oil to be used to make explosives. They had a good collecting system. Every  month we tool our waste oil to a central collecting point. They collected a lot of waste cooking oil.

  8. It is the future of vehicle fuel.  Dedicate crop yields to it as well as the production of bio-diesel vehicles.

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