
Biodiesel better than ethanol?

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Who would agree with me that ethanol is a complete waste and biodiesel should be the major fuel used for today? Hydrogen and electricity are still not very technologically advanced as far as something used for worldwide transportation and all.




  1. I believe they are are BOTH part of the future. and about equal in usablity-

    the problem is not the Ethanol its the government touting it from corn. Corn is the WORST possible source - much too high an energy footprint to use there are sooo many better sources.

    i personally believe that the government WANTs the ethanol programs to fail. by using corn as their primary source, that way they can say "See we did it and it was lousy so we HAVE to go back to the Oil standard"

    if the government is ignored and people use common sense and do what needs doing we can basically walk away from most of the oil standard.

  2. Ethanol from corn is a waste.  Ethanol from sugar is awesome.  Politics verses science.

  3. There is not sufficient arable land to adequately feed the current world population. Each acre used for biofuel effectively causes the starvation of one person. Should biofuel production be equated to genocide? Some people think so.

  4. Ethanol is ridiculous.  It takes so much energy to create that it's basically pointless.  Over it.

  5. Well, biodiesel can't be used in gasoline-powered cars, so to make your argument more viable, we'd also have to switch the majority of all automobiles to diesel engines.

    They are much more popular in Europe, but in the US, a diesel powered car is hard to come by and more expensive than their gasoline powered counterparts.

  6. biodiesel is better because it is making use of product we already have and would be throwing away.Ethanol is made from grain once we start to put the needs of fuel ahead of the need of our society for feeding we are in trouble at present it uses up just as much energy to grow transport and process 1 litre of ethanol as we get so were is the saving leave the grain products for the people to use as food.Ethanol production is not environmental sound yet

  7. What you ask is a trick question.  The way we make ethanol is the issue, not the fuel.  Switch-grass is the future for ethanol, not corn.  When we start to do this all agricultural byproducts can be used for this.  Remember that switch-grass requires no irrigation or fertilizer.  It's baled just like hay and straw, so its also low cost to do.

  8. if we ever get past the BS fed to us by Oil companies we can and will use both.

    BS story takes more energy to make ethanol than it can produce....not true, especially when tractors use ethanol/ easy conversion.

    BS story 2.... we can't feed people and make ethanol too. that is false Corn is not a good product to make ethanol with it only yields 200 gal. per acre but once farmers start framing to grow fuel/ Sugar cane/ Sugar beets, hemp etc. we can produce 2000 gal per acre. and with per-ma culture methods production will rise, 90%+ of the corn produced is feed for cows, cow gain wieght but are not healthy eating corn

    they have 4 stomachs and eating starch is not what they are for, so they must be shot full of antibiotics and steriods to fight the deaseses that they get on corn diet. there is a lot more information that needs to be out there for people to understand the need and methods to properly make use of ethanol. But Big corporation are not about to let that infomation out too soon.

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