

by Guest63782  |  earlier

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What are the advantages and true costs of making biodiesel? Is it better than staying with diesel or gasonline? Information on getting started making homemade biodiesel?? Thanks!




  1. If you are going to brew your own biodiesel it could make economic sense. The biodiesel sold on at the pump is usually more expensive than regular diesel do to the high price of vegetable crops used and other logistical factors.

    The environmental benefits will also be minimal When you consider land-use and the fact that you are still burning hydrocarbons. The exception would be if you use what is known as waste biomass to make your fuel. Leftover cooking oil from a restaurant for example. It should also be noted that biofuels can damage some components (especially natural rubber) in older vehicles. And it can be a complicated  process to actually make your own. But if want to take the plunge the sites below can show you how. Good luck!

    Biomass to fuel resources:


    Just a reminder: Whenever you work with chemicals, try not to blow yourself (Or anyone else) up :)

  2. Palm oil is at around 55$ per barrel.

    If you consider that biodiesel from palm oil processing is more cheap than diesel from crude oil(about 1 $/gallon) then it's surely cheap to buy biodiesel from a biodiesel producer...

  3. It must be filtered very fine.

  4. Well it depends on what are using to produce the biodiesel. You can use corn, sugar cane, bacterias or wood. I think the cheapest way t produce biodiesel is using wood and bacteria, but is still not that commertialized. Here is a webpage that have some costs and info abou that:

    hope it helps.

  5. one of its advantages is that can help in stopping global warming. in terms of speed, it might cost ya. but in terms of pollution, biodiesel produces a clean smoke, although it would smell like french fries. biodiesel is made from natural objects like coco oil and animal wastes.

  6. i would hardly recommend to use another alternative fuel which i use on my ford right now, starting last month i have my engines converted for a new fuel which is known to everybody as: used vegetable oil. the cost for coversion is only $600 or less for diesel engines only...
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