
Biodiversity ? what we are going to do?

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The fragile balance of plants and animals that share the earth took millions of years to develop. some life-forms have persisted in nearly their original state, surviving episodes of mass extinction. Thousands of species that disappearing each year due in large part to such human influences as habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, and overharvesting.

what we are going to do for this?

Earth's biodiversity at this rate, the consequences will be


which action suits ?

The web of life connects the smallest bacterium to the giant redwood and whale, when we put that web in peril, we become agents of calamity.

am i right?




  1. Yes, You are. Disturbing one specie disturb the whole ecosystem and unfortunately most of the time we are unaware of this that how intricately species are interconnected.

    We have to keep natural balance by adopting the ways that ensure very little disturbances.

  2. Protecting earth's biodiversity -  the word coined by biologists to encompass the variety of all life on our planet.  you may describe as following..

    Diversity of life:

    1. Have we overdrawn our account?

    2. Threats to biodiversity

    3. Rapid extinctions slow recoveries

    4. conservation and research

    5. Medicinal plants and animals

    6. Habitat fragmentation

    on seeing the overdrawn of our account..nearly half of earth's original forest cover has been cleared, or burnt or cut. The remaining has been so altered by humans that it barely be resembles pristine forest.  see, this loss of habitat not only threatens individual species but also brings more widespread ecological consequences.. so, we overdrawn the account.

    Threats to biodiversity?  see, the agriculture production some 12000 years ago, the human population has grown now exponentially.on use of earth's resources. what today?  The humans consume or directly use nearly half the land's biological production and more than half of all available fresh water. a habitat loss and degradation stemming from activities as commerial logging and fishing. Both are destroying the environments and stripping them of key species.  no constant vigilance.

    Rapid extinctions, slow recoveries:  An estimated 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct. yet more kinds of creatures may be alive today than at any other single time of our long history. In each ecological cataclysm some species slipped through to the other side, but recovery took millions of years.  Biologists warn that we are in another wave, the sixth extinction.  It is the first to be caused by and to affect humans.

    conservation and research:  how we do get through next coming years? The key to conservation is to identify, inventory and protect the world's remaining repositories of plant and animal diversity. A British ecologist used plants as indicator species and adopted the term 'hot spots' on ecosystems.  Baba Dioum said '' in the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, we will understand only what we are taught ''.

    Medicine plants and animals.  The drug digitalis derives from foxglove. Quinine from cinchona tree, a native of the Andes mountains has long been effective for malaria.  for breast cancers, pacific yew tree is the source of taxol, a drug used. for  to treat ovarian and breast cancers.

    Habitat fragmentation.Roads are like daggers into the heart of remaining forests.  Build a road and settlers follow, bringing farming, mining, logging, hunting, and activities that fragment the natural habitat.  Even the road itself does damage, exposing the forest interior in wind, sun, weeds, and redaters. Forced into ever smaller islands of habitat, many native species face a lethal threat.

    This is based on some readings and on some references made and thus giving my answer.

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