
Biofuel made from what?

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Put all your knownledge of biofuel made from what.




  1. From any living organism.

    Algae, animal fat, plant fat, sugar from plants...etc.

  2. Bio fuel is made from food that could feed on child on each fill up. When you use bio fuel, one child starves.

  3. Corn can get us through the current crisis. We have corn rotting on the roadside that could easily  'feed the children' if that were a real issue. But we really need to focus on cellulosic ethanol production. That uses waste wood products, weeds, grass, whatever.

    'Oilgae' is all well and good, but what happened to renew, recycle, reuse?

  4. Biofuel can be made from many sources with more research adding possibilities all of the time.  

    Oil substitutes include:

    Ethanol made primarily from corn now in the U.S. and primarily sugar cane  in Brazil.  In the future ethanol will be made from other sources including corn stalks, wood pulp waste and certain grasses.

    Biodiesel made primarily from Soybean Oil, but can also be recycled cooking oils.

    Animal Bio-Oil made from animal fat and waste left over from processing primarily turkeys and chickens.  There is a plant in Missouri that is set up next to a big turkey processing plant that converts all of the waste fat, feathers, everything left over into the equivalent of barrels of crude oil.  A plant is proposed in Nebraska that would use chicken waste to do the same thing.

    Be aware that there is a "smear" campaign against ethanol funded by big Oil.  Primarily OPEC, hiding behind many different front people and organizations.

    Unfortunately the majority of Americans outside of the big corn producing areas do not even understand corn production and its uses.  The largest share of the corn produced is not now and has NEVER been used for human food.  It has fed livestock, which are then used to produce milk or meat.  

    Ethanol production leaves the feed value there as it only uses a small amount of the corn ( the starch)  the byproducts are numerous including pharmaceutical ingredients, cattle feed, corn syrup (used in human food), industrial carbon dioxide and many others.

    Get the facts folks before big oil succeeds in killing ethanol as it did synthetic fuels production and research in the 1980's.  OPEC would love to convince people to abandon all biofuel efforts.

  5. Any fuel containing carbon is a biofuel, including gasoline which is a byproduct of the reprocessing of ancient biological organisms which have naturally decomposed and become either coal, crude oil, or methane gas.

  6. Ethanol is primarily made from corn, with some made from sugarcane, sugar beets, orange pulp waste, etc.

    Another biofuel is bio-diesel.  This fuel can be made from new oils (usually rapeseed and soy are the most common), waste oils, and even algae (which is a very promising area of research because it appears to have the highest production yield).

  7. A bio-fuel is a general term used to describe fuel made from natural plant sources.  Then you have ethanol, which is more like gasoline and bio-diesel.  Ethanol is the fermentation of grains or cellulose and bio-diesel is the oil pressed from those plant sources that can give you oil.

  8. Biofuel is made from many plants and other organic material -Corn, soy, algae, palm oil....

    Algae Biofuel is the best.

    -With our current biodiesel feedstocks, like soy and palm, there’s no way we could grow enough to supply all of our transportation needs.  In fact, it would actually require twice the land area of the US devoted to soybean production to meet current heating and transportation needs.

    -Algae, on the other hand, could supply all U.S. diesel power using a mere 0.2% of the nation’s land.

    -Enough algae can be grown to replace all transportation fuels in the U.S. on only 15,000 square miles or 4.5 million acres of land.

    - Algae is the highest yielding feedstock for biodiesel, producing 24 times more oil per acre, on average, than the next leading feedstock--palm oil at 635 gallons/acre/year.

    -One company can produce 180,000 gallons of biodiesel every year from just one acre of algae. That comes to about 4,000 barrels, at a cost of $25 per barrel or $.59 per gallon.

    -To put that in perspective, it takes 3,750 acres of soy to make the same amount of biodiesel at a cost of about $2.50 per barrel for 4,000 barrels.

    -It is possible to use human sewage and wastewater from agricultural endeavors to enhance the growth of algae.  In fact, when done right, algae can double and even triple overnight with the addition of these fertilizers.

    -Plus, as algae grows it absorbs C02 from the air.

    -In addition, fertilizer for other food crops can be produced by using the leftover nutrients that aren’t used to make the biofuel.

  9. Its mostly made from corn.

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