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How much more does biofuel cost than oil? Biofuel is Better?




  1. I don't think it's better.

    1) Unless it's produced from plant waste, it takes just as much oil/energy to grow biofuel plants as it does to farm food plants.

    2) Fuel economy is much lower with biofuel - 20%-30% is the estimate I've heard. The ethanol available around here, while costing less per gallon, is not 20%-30% less in price than a gallon of regular unleaded. So biofuel actually costs more per mile than gas.

    Here are the best ways to save fuel: Walk or bike whenever possible. If not possible, use public trans; if public trans is not possible, carpool. If you must drive your own personal vehicle, make sure it is tuned up for maximum efficiency, make sure your tires are inflated to the correct psi, combine errands, and don't drive faster than 60 mph.

  2. I think biofuel made form algaes and bacterias is much better than normal oil. Biofuel made from corn or sugar cane, can be problematic because it is needed a huge amount of food to produce one liter.

    If you want to know more about biofuel produced from alages check:
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