
Biofuels, should this be stopped or not?

by Guest62645  |  earlier

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We are facing a world crisis..

We have no proper solutions..

And in haste, whatever comes is the best..

No sustainable solutions..

Which is to choose?

Letting the poor die out of hunger so as others can run their machines? Plus, adding up to global warming with the pollution?

Or should profit be considered?

Do we feed on money or food?.




  1. Please get your facts straight before posting your next rant.  The word "crisis" is only being used by the media.  You have bought in to this lie.  

    Using biofuels such as ethanol, actually burn cleaner than just gasoline (petrol).  Production of ethanol IS sustainable.  You cite no evidence to suggest it is not.  Scientists are busy working out using non-food crops such as switchgrass to produce the ethanol.  This takes food off of no one's table.  

    Should profit be considered?  You would /will have not job if your company is not profitable.  You tell me if profit is important.

    Do we feed on money or food?  We buy food with the money we get from the job we have, from the profitable company we work for.

    Yahoo needs to come up with a "thumbs down" tab for questions, not just answers.

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