
Biofuels bring more benefits than problems to the country's economy.Discuss.?

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Problems about biofuels!




  1. they take up land that should be being used for food. people starve while we make fuel from land that oculd be used to make food.

  2. Please ask your question in the form of a question . . .

    Also, fossil fuels ARE biofuels, only at a remove.


    1 - At least as currently practiced in U.S., puts us in the ridiculous position of putting food products into our vehicles causing rises in food costs across the board. This could be ameliorated by future developments in using biomass other than, say, corn to produce biofuels.

    2 - At least as currently practiced in U.S., production of biofuels is run at a net loss of energy making us MORE dependent on overseas oil, not less. This doesn't just cover the costs of planting, harvesting and transporting your 'biomass', but the cost of the production, transportation, and application of agricultural chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers) that are required to ensure best yields. Also, even MORE energy is required to render your biomass into usable fuel.

    3 - Biofuels do not do anything about pollution, especially of the so-called 'greenhouse gases'; indeed it may exacerbate the problem. In addition to the items in 2 above, in order to get the same net energy from your equipment you have to burn MORE of the biofuels since the energy density in their molecules is less than that in fossil fuels.

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