are these bad AS-level choices?
I'm particularly worried about sociology as apparently it's not respected.
But on the other hand I know my other three choices are challenging subjects, especially biology, so I thought choosing something I find quite easy for my final choice would make me more likely to get better results in the end, rather than taking four challenging subjects (challenging for me at least).
Other subjects I've considered are english lit, english lang, theatre studies or French (but French looks insanely hard).
So... should I stick with these four subjects (bio, psych, socio and history) or what?
Btw, I don't want any arrogant responses like "oh, A-levels are too easy nowadays anyway" or "omg I did five AS-levels and got all A's they're so easy!!11!"
I'm not likely to be someone who gets straight A's, see.
thank you very much :)