
Biology Homework Help me?

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The concentration of salt in water affects the hatching of brine shrimp eggs. A scientist want to determine the best conditions in which to hatch the shrimp eggs. In a laboratory, brine shrimp will grow at room temperature in small glass containers of salt water.

-Describe the steps of a controlled experiment that would determine the best saltwater concentration in which to hatch brine shrimp eggs.

In your response, be sure to indicate

-the materials that would be used

-the type of data that will be collected

-how the data will be used to answer questions about the salt requirements of brine shrimp

PLEASE HELP. me start off?

I'm not sure how to start this and where to go with it...

Its all greek to me.




  1. Well, for starters, when setting up your experiment, lets say you use 10 dishes to grow your brine shrimp, and each one is a different concentration of sea salt. You can time this experiment, and count how many brine shrimp hatch after a certain period of time to determine which concentration is best for hatching them.

    All of the dishes must be kept at the same temperature, or in the same environment, and in the same conditions. If one is set out on a table with light on it, then the rest must be the same. The only thing you would change is the concentration of the salt.

    The type of data you will collect will have to do with how many brine shrimp hatch at certain time points throughout the experiment. If you check one dish of brine shrimp 3 hours after you put them in sea salt, the rest of your recorded data also should be at that time, otherwise it could be incorrect data.

    I would document how many brine shrimp hatched for each of the dishes of different concentrations, and the amount of time that has elapsed since you first put the eggs in the salt water.

    The data can be used to find the best concentration based on whichever dish produces the most brine shrimp.

    Hope this helps!

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