1.Which of these nutrients canNOT be absorbed in the large intesting?
-large proteins,electrolytes,water, or some short chain fatty acids.
2.the formation of chyme occurs when the bolus mixes with the secretions from the?
-pancreas, large intestine, gallbladder, or stomach.
3.which of the following is not an organ that stimulates or inhibits gastric secretions?
-r****m, brain, stomach or small intestine.
4.which of the following is needed for the digestion of fat?
-amylase,bile,HCI, or pepsin.
5.which of the following stimulates the liver to secrete bile?
-CCK, secretin,gastrin or pepsinogen?
6.which of the following stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder to release bile?
-CCK, gastrin,secretin or somastostatin?
7. which of the following organs is a baloon-like structure responsible for storage & release of bile?
-liver,stomach,gallbladder or pancreas