
Biology Paper Topic?

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I need to write a paper for my Biology class to turn in tomorrow. it can be on anything relating to Biology.

I was planning to do it on Dolphins, but Im not so sure. I dont want to get into all the complications of the cells and molecules and all those things. I'd prefer something simple and fast since this is to be turned in tomorrow and I'd like to get some sleep for once.

Please give me some advice. . thanks in advance!




  1. I'd go with yeast also.  In addition to what "DrBadAss" said yeast are also used in many laboratories for scientific research.  They can also be used to turn biowaste into ethanol we can use as fuel.  Yeast are great.

  2. Yeast.

    They are involved in fermentation of many common foods we eat and drink.  There are many interesting biological aspects to the process and beneficial effects for humans such as preservation of food.

    This should get you started ...

    ... and don't wait until the day before next time.

  3. my advice only will help next time... here goes..

    don't wait until the last minute..

  4. Think small, and report on the lowly amoeba.

  5. I know you don't want to go into complications of cells, but I am doing my report on MRSA, and I would recommend you do yours on that too, since there is a WHOLE BUNCH of information on it. good luck!

  6. Write something on a biological disease....diseases are real easy to write about because you can't really go wrong with them.  You write about a what the disease is, what its signs and symptoms are, what are it's treatments, how can you prevent it, and then pick a special case about it.

    Hope that helps
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