
Biology Regents June 2008 Answers?

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Hi, if anybody remembers any answers that they put for the living environment june 2008 regents examination post them here! If you find a website that has the answer key or curve please post it here too!




  1. the curve and the answer key will be up late tomorrow night on

  2. ITs genes not chromosomes its impossible for the answer to be chromosomes

  3. Good for the person with the realy long answer, you got everything right but the bacteria one which was the range  and also the gaurd cells were below the leaf to prevent water loss. Besides that you will probably get a decent score on the exam.

  4. What did you guys put as a answer for question #2????

  5. Does anyone know if the answer to the question about DNA in protein synthesis: what section of the DNA is used? I put genes. None of the answers seemed to make sense.

  6. The curve:

    question 1 with charts asking which row had only hetertrophs: row a

    moldy bread question: gene expression affected by environment

    experimental plan: don't need conclusion based on data to be collected

    kangaroo without placenta: nutrients

    bacteria reproduction chart: at higher temperatures bacteria reproduce at a higher rate

    paper chromatography: separating molecules

    cell with 15% salt solution: one with intact shape and size (cell wall) but shrunken cell membrane, along with the vacuole (large white figure and organelles)

    drawing of dialysis tubing: iodine (x's i think) were equal inside and outside the cell, and starch remained where it was before (circles; cant remember where they were in the beginning)

    short answer on dumping leaves and grass into landfill: larger landfills which introduces toxic wastes to more of the environment

    replacing forest with farming land: trade-off

    source of energy: ATP

    enzyme affecting mitochondria would affect: energy made or respiration carried out

    why we havent done genetic engineering on humans: ethical problems and dilemmas

    multiple short answers on stomates/guard cells:

    - life function that is controlled/assisted by guard cells: regulation is the best answer, but i think theyll accept nutrition, since that is technically photosynthesis. not sure if theyll accept photosynthesis because it is not one of the main life functions

    - they do this by: controlling water entering/leaving the plant OR gas exchange

    - why it is advantageous to have guard cells close to ground: water is found on the ground so you can absorb it

    width of cell: 800um

    redrawing of virus with circles: you had to draw the virus the same but with triangles instead

    how virus would get this adaptation: I said genetic mutations..but this was a tricky question

    i looked it up after but i still dont understand it

    relationship between human and virus: host and parasite

  7. The one about what determines a ecosystem: I put # of carnivores, but I heard it was climate

    The graph that asked for the carrying capacity: Day 8

    First Question Part D w/ the diagram that had the paper towel- Was a stain

  8. genes is correct

    I'm pretty sure it's genes for that question with the unwinding DNA

  9. which question? cuz the one with the whole unwinding DNA picture the answer was chromosomes i think.

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