
Biology and Chemistry for A-levels when I only achieved a grade C at GCSE?

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I'm planning on doing biology and chemistry for A-levels, however, I only achieved a grade C at GCSE. I have a big interest for biology and I think chemistry will open a lot of doors for me in the future. I am willing to work hard and I'm extremely motivated. But, how hard is chemistry and biology? I know it's a big jump from GCSE but can someone who is average at science acieve a good grade at A-level?





  1. It's not a big jump from GCSE to A-level sciences, it's a huge jump. If you only got a C, then you'll find it ridiculously hard.

    My advice would be don't do it. Choose something else you're interested in. Even people who get A grades at GCSE can find sciences at A-level very difficult.

  2. I agree with Zosy, and I just wanted to add that my school also allows people to swap or drop courses, you can even do so after a month or so (apparently, sorry, I haven't taken my A-Levels yet either). I also wanted to add that our school (I don't know if yours does too) does a probation period, where you can try out the course and teachers will help you to decide whether it's a good idea to continue or not.

    With Cs, it is probably not advisable to take A-Levels in those subjects, but I certainly think you could try, and if you work hard you could prove to your teachers that you could do it, but it is going to be so much work for you!!

    Well, good luck with whatever you choose to do! I hope I have helped, even just a little.

  3. Hey donn't be put off, if you have the motivation to do it you can achieve big things!... Plus, you do it at As level first so if its too difficult u can drop it or even swap courses, or u could at my college, ask at an interview or open day.

    P.s. At GCSE i achived C's in all three Sciences and at A Level i did Physics and Chemistry Sciences and i got A and B grades.

    Go for it, you only live once!  

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