
Biology article and experiment??

by  |  earlier

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help! I have to find a current new biology article and write a summary on it. THen i have to design a type of follow up experiment to go along with the article. has alot of good articles but I have no idea what one to chose so that I can write a whol summary(must be one page long) and still invent some type of good follow up experiment! help! its due really soon : (




  1. That sort of depends on the level of education you're talking about. If this is for a college level course, you'd better hit up Pubmed:

  2. I like this article:

    This deals with brain damage and how the brain compenates for the damage. Damage=dead brain region, no function at all. Compensation is when other brain regions come together and fix the area, or compensate for the damage. So it is like re-routing or making a new path because the damage area is not working.


    By quuickly reading the article, I can see that the case studies have damage at the striate cortex (or the primary visual cortex). This is where simple neuron cells analyze simple strctures like lines, oreintation of line, etc,(simple). So, you can have a bunch of people look at a set of vertical lines (either in the left or right visual field, depending on the damge) and have them explain what they see. With partial damage to the striate cortex, then the patients may produce a scotoma or may have complete cortical blindness if all cortex is damaged. Well, have the people explain what they se and compare to people with damaged cortical regions.

    good luck.  

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