
Biology class this year is it hard?

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ok so i start as a freshman in high school next week and on my schedule i have college prep Biology.i heard alot of people say it was hard.i wanted to to know about this a little more.what is biology really about?and is it hard?any input?




  1. Regular college prep biology is not that bad. I took it in my freshmen year of high school :P. However, there is a difference between a honors class and a regular class. I took honors, and I did relatively ok. Don't worry about it. It does seem like a lot to absorb, but if you need any assistance, go buy a Cliffs Notes guide book or some other biology supplement. It really does help.

    Also, if you're looking into the medical field, try taking Biology AP [I took this class for sophomore year, last year and it was very difficult X(], chemistry, and anatomy if your school has it :).

  2. I took Biology Honors as a ninth grader (Freshman). If you really want to know what Biology is about, I suggest researching it on Wikipedia. Anyways, as for the course- I would have to say that it is relatively challenging. It's a Freshman class, so obviously it's not going to be as hard as an AP or IB class- (my school doesn't have IB). If you would like to be in a medical field I suggest taking: AP Biology, AP Chemisty, and AP Physics. If you have IB- take those. AP classes are college courses available to students in high school. I am now a Sophomore and I am taking AP Physics. Next yere I'm going to take AP Chemistry and Senior year I might go to college to take Physics C. Anyways, It's not that hard... Just do your homework, study, pay attention in class, and work hard. Trust me, if you think this class is really hard- your going to think your future classes are very hard.

    Good luck. You'll do very well.

  3. It is a real shame that in America kids are not exposed to biology until they get to high school.

    Yes, it is hard.  Biology is tougher than many other subjects.  It is basically the study of life and living systems.  Therefore very complex.  Of course you will need biology for any medical field.  You will be taking biology or a biologically related course until you finish school.

  4. you should take biology along with chemistry since you would be needing both to study in the future.  bio will get harder and harder as you get to the upper levels but just remember to study and not fool around as there is a lot of competition out their to get to med school.  

  5. Biology is mostly memorization--the concepts were much easier to grasp (for me at least) than some of the things we covered in chemistry or physics. If you go in w/a mindset that doing well is achievable, you will do fine.  BTW, I'm assuming by medical field you mean doctor? If that's the case, you need biology, chemistry, physics, higher math (calc.) etc. I'm a Cytogenetic Tech w/a B.S. in Biology and although we covered chem, physics, stats etc, the focus was on biology topics. Look at the course requirements for the school you're interested in--it'll vary but the basics are covered @ 4 year schools.

  6. If you wish to be in a medical field, then you have to endure the so-called hardship of biology class.

    Biology is not really hard, IMO.  If you love learning new things, love nature, appreciate living organisms, and desire to be in a medical field, then you have all the reason to go and study biology.  Otherwise, if you hate that area, then just leave it and go learn some other stuff.

    I would recommend you to talk with your school career counselor or something like that.  Have your skills (and desire) be assessed in order for you to ascertain yourself which field you are suitable to go to.

    For me, biology is the love of my life.  I started enjoying biology when I was in 3rd year highschool.  I endured a 3 year undergraduate degree in Biology and another 3 year undergraduate degree in Genetics, and currently a PhD student on Structural Biology.  If you like what you doing, no matter how hard it is, you can do it.

    Oh and also, biology may require a lot of memorization.  So you also have to prepare for that.

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