
Biology multiple questions help!!!?

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1. Pancreas is to small intestine enzymes as

a. stomach is to saliva

b. stomach is to proteins from amino acids.

c. liver is to bile.

d. liver is to hydrochloric acid.

2. An allergic response is NOT typically caused by

a. harmless antigens

b. pollen.

c. histamine.

d. both a and c.

3. The function of neurons is to

a. maintain a difference in electrical charge across the cell membrane

b. have specific ions cross the membrane through ion channels

c. maintain a membrane potential with charged ions on either side of the cell membrane

d. all of the above.

4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the spinal cord?

a. It runs through the vertebral column.

b. It extends just below the rib cage.

c. It uses spinal nerves to connect to the PNS.

d. It has a dorsal and ventral root at each end.




  1. C, A, C, D

  2. 1. C.

    2. Tough one.  Pollen certainly causes allergies.  Histamine caused by degranulation of Mast cells mediates the allergic response.  Antigens do cause allergies,  regardless if they are "harmless" or not.  I'd say A is most correct.

    3.  D.

    4.  D.  The dorsal and ventral roots make up the spinal nerves, so they are not part of the spinal cord.

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