
Biology question help ?

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Can someone teach me all the process in sexual reproduction for example i only know one processs ferilization is formed after the sperm goes into the egg. i want a explanation similar to that please.




  1. During her menstrual cycle, a woman's hormones stimulate the growth, maturation, and release of an egg from her ovary. This process begins when the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to send a hormone known as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to the ovaries, prompting them to prepare an egg for ovulation. The FSH stimulates a group of follicles to grow on the surface of the ovary.

    Over the next two weeks (the follicular phase of the cycle), the eggs mature and levels of estrogen, which is produced by the ovaries, increase.

    As the estrogen levels increase, the pituitary gland decreases its production of FSH, and LH (luteinizing hormone) production is then triggered. The cervix begins to produce fertile alkaline mucus to help keep potential sperm alive and to speed their transport.

    The LH production peaks, signaling the ovary to release a mature egg (usually only one) from its follicle in a process known as ovulation. The egg enters and begins to travel through the fallopian tube. The egg remains viable for about 24 hours.

    For fertilization to occur, a sperm must locate and penetrate the awaiting egg while it is in the fallopian tube. If fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg, or embryo, continues to travel down the fallopian tube into the uterus.

    On approximately the seventh day following fertilization, the embryo develops chorionic villi, which are special protrusions on its surface that enable it to attach, or implant, in the lining of the uterus.

    The chorionic villi produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that signals the corpus luteum to continue to increase in size and produce more progesterone to maintain the pregnancy; hCG is the hormone that is picked up by a pregnancy testing kit.

    Thus in order for a couple to conceive, both the male and female reproductive systems must be functioning properly.

  2. i consider you a very lucky person as i am currently studying abt sexual reproduction.well there are 5 main stages for sexual reproduction


    formed from egg cell and sperm

    2.Blastula(week 1)

    single cell zygote divides and forms a hollow ball of is these cells that will develop into the 210 different kinds of cells in a body

    3.gastrulation(week 2)

    one side of the blastula folds inwards.this further develops in 2 parts

    endoderm(forms lining of digestive and respiratory tracts)

    ectoderm(epidermis,central nervous system)

    mesoderm(internal organ,muscles)

    4.neurulation(3rd week)

    formation of spinal cord brain and vertebral column

    5.organogenesis(4th week-9th month)

    main organs and organ systems start to form

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