
Biopolar depression and ocd?

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I have bipolar and ocd I have boyfreind plays with my emotions of loving him.He plays mind games with my emotions

What should I do Is this dangerous for me because I have bipolar?

And how can I give him a taste of his own medincine?




  1. Yes this is dangerous! You have enough problems you don't need some jackass playing with your head. Give him a taste of his own medicine by kicking him to the curb and find someone who'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Good luck and don't put up with that c**p because someone who plays mind games with doesn't love you very much.

  2. This is so wrong. You have enough to deal with to have anyone be doing this to you. He needs to stop doing this and you need to get help your BiPolar and OCD so you can be sure you are thinking clearly too.  

  3. dump him. That is wrong that someone would do that

  4. dump him that will show him. messing with your head, that's not funny and very immature.

  5. Stress is the worst thing for you.

    When you have OCD and your Manic Depressive Stress can make things worse as you already know.

    If this guy is playing games with your emotions and playing you like a puppet don't take it. DUMP HIM! Find someone better. You deserve it.

    Just becouse you have some mental issues doesn't mean you have to put up with this guy. As far as giving him a taste of his own medicine don't stick around to bother!

  6. Not to sound rude or anything but I've been in the same situation - perhaps it's not him but your bipolar playing tricks on you? I know that when I go through an episode it feels so much like my boyfriend doesn't care, doesn't listen, doesn't love me. But it's only because my perception changes with a mood.

    This is just something to consider. Maybe it has nothing to do with your moods. In which case, I would try to talk him into couples therapy (helped me!) or just discuss with him in a calm manner how you feel and that you believe this isn't good for your mental health. It's completely understandable that you don't want to continue going through this, but don't retaliate. It won't help anything.

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