
Bioshock or Far Cry 2??

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Both Bioshock for the ps3 and far cry 2 are releasing very soon, and I don't know which one to get. Help me decide people, and give reasons for your pick




  1. probably far cry 2 because its packed full of action and the graffics will be cool, so will online but bioshock is just a creapy game and their is probabl no online

  2. Neither, i'd go for too human based on the trailers and is the same type of game.

    But Far Cry 2 if it must be one of the two.

  3. I say Far Cry 2 it will have 50 hours of gameplay plus multiplayer and bioshock is just single player Far cry more action better game

  4. Bioshock is awesome.  It's so good they're already making a movie based on it.

  5. well i would go for bioshock 1st because it has trophies

  6. Get Bioshock now cause its only first-person and awesome.

    Then in Oct get Far Cry 2.

  7. Bioshock is more interesting to play, but doesn't have much replay value.  Far Cry 2 nothing really knew, but probably has more replay value.

    You can probably buy BioShock for the PC pretty cheap it came out almost a year ago.  

  8. Far Cry 2.

    OK, there were so many things wrong with the first answer. Too Human is not the same type of game. It is not free roaming, or a first person shooter.

    And it sucked .Horribly. It was very, very bad.

  9. I got the demo of BNioshock for Pc, and it wasnt that good, grpahics wer pretty good, n the idea of Rapture wass okay, but gmaepaly sucked.

    Far Cry 2 on the other hand looks awesoem, open ended paly ina huge rolling landscape. also the reviews of the game the AI seems amaxing, like dragging their limping body behind a hut cos you shot them in leg and thought them dead, then you come round the back of the hut and *bang* limpy guy shoots you.

    also the idea of a HUD'lkess dispaly seems great too, so your map isnt a techy radar with blips for people, you pull it out and its a paper map and a compass.

    however im unsure on wether to get it on Ps3 or PC, graphics are meant ot be same wither way though. (bioshock is also on Pc too)

  10. I Would Go With Bio Shock  

  11. they both r good games thats what i heard of im going to buy bioshock i havent really seen too much of far cry 2 to really get into it that much but it does seem awesome and they say it was a great game for xbox the far cry original get both of them if u lik them both  

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