I almost ruin my whole Master's degree, because of poor labeling of my gDNA, Plasmids and PCR products. But luckily it all worked out OK. Now, working on another project as a RA, I have samples going back to 2005 and can't make out head or tail what they are? I need to re-sequence some of them, but can't find the correct blooming samples, because of poor lables and storing. What must I do?? How do I learn to properly lable and store sample? I tend to be lazy with labeling and now it came back to bite me in the ***. I'm overall good with research, but THIS is a @#$^ disaster.. and will get me in deep trouble with my supervisor.
Problem is that I have don't duplicates and some of them failed and other worked. Most of my samples can be identified correctly, but some of the older samples...oi.oi.oi..