
Bipolar's do you worry a lot?

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I worry all the time... I worry about how I look, how I think and I even worry about other people?

Is this normal for a bipolar?




  1. Yes, it is normal.  Worry and anxiety go hand in hand with bipolar.  It's the nature of the beast.

  2. im exactly the same it drives me mad! ive just started taking kalms they realy help.

  3. that's why we're bipolar for, I'm afraid!

    But medication can help, that is for sure  

  4. Not really, no.

    The thing with being bipolar is that half the time you are really up and charged and worry free.

    So many people think that to have any form of depression is to be miserable all the time. No, those are just miserable people, not depressives.

    Think of the number of comedians who have depression, yes they can cripple themselves with their dark side but they can also bounce off the walls with energy and enjoyment for life on the good days.

    I'm not on any medication so I can't say how meds change things. If they subdue the down times and also take away your good times then you might understandably feel a little empty stuck in the middle with and just feeling okay and no more or less.

    That's my main reason for not taking anti-depressants. I can take the bad days because I get really, really good ones. I wouldn't lose the good ones for anything.

  5. I don't worry as a general every day occurrence just during certain phases of my cycle.  During them I get a feeling I'm scared of something even though there is nothing to be scared of and I'm generally not a nervous person.  Then I get phases where I don't give a >>>> and I'm dolled up to the nines in cloths and have not a care in the world. I walk around like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever then the crash comes and I hate what I wore, how I walked and how I talked and that then helps fed my low.  

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