
Bipolar Disorder.Broken Heart?

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please click here:::and see a little bit of my story....:::

some times i dont even sleep. i went for 3 days with only 2 hours of sleep. Ive seen counlsers ..psychiatrits ..psycologists. they put me on medicaiton. but nothing i stopped taking it..i hear voices and i have extreme paranoia eveeryone is talking about me... Ill be sitting at home thinking its 11am and not realizing its really 6pm..i would like to know if there is a community out there online that i can talk to other people. And if theres things i can take. LIke i know fish oil and omega three is good.. what elce?Im either really really really happy.. Or really very hella




  1. There are many good bipolar web sites.  Keep surfing the web.  My son was diagnosed at age 16.  It took a long time to get the correct medication.  It is best if you have someone you can trust on a daily basis who can help you keep a daily journal.

    The journal needs to be a combination of your feelings and the observation of your moods and behavior by the trusted person.  This person also needs to take part in your counseling sessions.  

    My son, after much research, has developed a diet and exercise program that has helped a great deal.  

    The area that we live in has a great support group for both the persons fighting the illness and the person who is helping in that fight.  

    Don;t give up finding help.  It is hard work but worth it.  Use your computer and research as much as possible.  Get a trusted adult involved.  Stay away from alcohol and drugs.

    Good luck

  2. Bipolar disorder is difficult to treat and more resiliant to medications than monopolar depression.  Important is that you receive mood stabilizers first before getting the depression treated.  Learn as much as possible about your disease, that will help you to understand and counter-act.  Some of the confusion that is being added may be due to your age (hormonal changes etc.).  If you can control your mood cycles, you should be able to lead a fairly stable life.  Just don't miss to ask for help than you need it... good luck with everything

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