I am a 16 year old male, and have been a straight A student up to the past two years in high school. For nearly one and a half years, I have been experiencing depression, agitation, and other strange feelings that just "come on" without notice. I often get depressed, and get angry at anyone...especially my parents. There are many times when I just don't feel like leaving the house. Sometimes my parents want me to go to the store, and all I can do is yell because I don't want to go, and when asked why I don't want to simply go to the store, I have thrown huge fits. I rarely want to leave my house, and all I do is stay on the computer all the time. I have not had depression to the severity of thinking about suicide, however I have had a few bad episodes. All of this is quite new to me, and I can barely explain it.
These moods are extremely new to me, as I have never felt like this. I have had everything going for me, literally. I had a 4.0 GPA, was the most outstanding freshman in the marching band, recieved several awards, made 1st band 1st chair in all region concert band, and already have scholorships set out for me. I have a nice home with great friends, and I really have nothing going against me. Now, however, I have Cs and Bs, which I had NEVER had before, and its not that its hard, but its lack of will...I cannot get myself to do anything. I am no longer into band as much as I was...and band was my passion. I just don't understand how everything I had going for me, and everything I loved to do is just falling out from under me. All of this started when I began having mood swings. I cannot explain why I am feeling depressed, unless it may be the extreme work load I take on at school, with being on the smart core routine. Yes...I am sort of a nerd!
Anyway, what I am getting at is maybe I just have a case of depression, or is it possible that I am bipolar? I really don't know what to look for as in symptoms and whatnot. How are you tested for it, and is it treatable? Does being bipolar mean that I am mentally challenged or mentally ill?