
Bipolar - have been self-employed/part time jobs - now have interview for first full time job in 4 years!

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I have worked writing for newspapers -- both articles and ads. I have lots of experience writing marketing copy for various freelance clients. I am Brainbench certified in advertising industry knowledge and business communications. I worked as an assistant in a TV ad department.

I NEED this job even though my husband doesn't think it's the right job for me. I don't care we NEED one of us making a full time income. We both have suspended licenses from being unable to pay our fines because of employers not paying us earlier.

Our self-employment isn't cutting it, partly because hubby can't get to jobs until I pay off his fines. I emailed my resume this morning and within a couple of hours she emailed me back and called me hoping I could meet her tomorrow morning. Hubby does NOT want me at this job because he thinks it will be too stressful. I am bipolar and do react poorly to stress but I have a lot of gifts and talents to bring to this job and I know I could do well.




  1. First off, congratulations!  I hope you get the job!  I wouldn't mention anything about being bipolar to them unless there is a medical form you have to fill out that asks specifically.  If you really want the job I would just tell your husband so & ask him to be more supportive.  That doesn't sound very helpful, but it's the best I can come up with.  With your talents, it doesn't sound like it will be too stressful for you & the income that you get will take some of the stress of not having enough money away.  So maybe it will balance eachother out.  I really hope you get the job!!  How exciting!!  Good luck!

  2. I admire your spirit. You obviously have a lot of valuable skills but just don't know how to channel them into making a living.

    Like yourself I don't handle stress well and struggled with work and ended up on incapacity benefit. I tried to go back to work but just couldn't cope with it.

    My life changed exactly two years ago when I took part in the Thirty Day Challenge, a free course showing how to start your own online business.

    I have to admit it took me two months to make my first dollar but I've never looked back.  If I really feel that I want to crawl under the covers and stay in bed I can without it affecting my income.

    It's let me get shared custody of my two nippers and turn my life around.

    You seem to be at a similar stage to where I was, but you have better experience than I had.

    The Thirty Day Challenge started 1st August but there is still time to get on board. It's cutting edge, and with your skills you could probably generate some business for yourself in the forums as well as make some new friends. It won't cost you a penny but could change your life

  3. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so the saying goes. Go for the job, and enlist your husbands support.  If you are bipolar, his lack of support is going to cause you additional stress you do not need.  Sales is stressful but it is also challenging and fun; channel your anger/stress by taking a half an hour to yourself a day to relax and ‘meditate’ so to say.  Get back on your feet and you wont be at that position longer than you need to be.

    My Best,

    Michael Grant

    find a career – find an employee

  4. I admire your "do what has to be done" attitude. There are basically two ways you can play this, and each has ups and downs. One is to approach this as if your bipolar problems are non-existent. Maybe they won't prove to be an issue, and this is your chance to overcome your disability. The other is to level with the employer. Put your cards on the table, and tell them that (like a lot of other smart, capable people) you don't handle stress well. (I wouldn't use the word bipolar.) Give them a few tangible examples of what you can & can't handle.This won't help your chances, but you'd help ensure you start with realistic expectations. Only you can decide which path makes more sense. But in my experience, people tend to underestimate what they are capable of: maybe it's time to let go of old issues and take your game to the next level. Good luck!

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