
Bipolar h**l, at 28

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my life has been ruined by my disorder, I go from tripping out hard to horrible depression, the rumor is that im some kind of serial killer, or peope think im just a narcaccistic a hole, has anyody else had this problem, peope thinking you are dangerous or some sort of a sociopath becuase you are considerd sick, people will actually tell thier kids to stay away from me, i never did anything dangerous, i just stay to mysef, is this karma for a past life




  1. Hi, Im really sorry to hear about your situation and its sad that people are so small minded. I dont have bi-polar but I have depression and know what its like to feel like your life has been ruined, I had to drop out of uni because I got in such a bad way and over a year later I am only just now beginning to get properly back on my feet.

    There is hope though. At 28, you're still young. What I would really suggest to you if this is possible to move, even if its a short distance to the next town or city, where people dont know about your condition and where there arent these rumours. You can make a fresh start and only tell people you trust and want to know about your condition.

    I think deep down you know the answer to your question, this is not karma or "punishment".  I know it sometimes feels unfair that this is happening to you but I think its a mixture of biological and social factors. Rather than spending time trying to figure out why this has happened to you its probably more helpful to put your mental energy into achieving things you want in life that can go towards making you happy.

    Remember people who are negative towards you should be careful-they or someone they love could have the misfortune to have a mental health problem in the future, you cant say whats round the corner.

    Good luck.

  2. my wife is bipolar. she has to take cymbalta, xanax and klonopin everyday for ten years now for this. there are days when she is so depressed;, then mania. people think she is dangerous also. this is just a misconception on their part. bipolar people who take their meds can live a near normal life. dont let them trat you like you are different. good luck. stay on your meds and dont worry about other peoples ignorance. god bless.
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