
Bird Help?

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I sort of want a bird but they can be high maintnance, what is the most affordable minimal maintnace small bird that would be easy for a 13 year old to take care of.




  1. It depends what you want out of having a bird. Parakeets are inexpensive, and if you get them young enough they can be trained to sit on your finger and be very interactive. Finches are very low maintenance, but are very shy and difficult to be interactive with.

  2. a parakeet. they really dont need alot of work at all. you just need to check their food and water everyday, and clean their cage every 2 weeks or so. but if you get any kind of bird, make sure you dont put a mirror in their cage. cause they will be mean and bite you if you do.

  3. Parakeets or finches would be low maintenance...but I had lovebirds for years and they were great pets. They are about the size of a parakeet; they have more compact, round (read:adorable) bodies though. If you get a pair, they will entertain each other and you will not have to spend as much time playing with them each day, but if you get a single bird you will have a very loyal friend! Try to get a baby bird, no matter which type you get, so you can socialize it early on to people and teach it to perch on your hand.

  4. A cockatoo, or a canary.

  5. I believe a budgerigar would be easy to care for. I have basically had budgies my whole life and i have never actually had a problem with them.

    They are easy to feed and can be tamed as well. But best to tame them when they are young, because it'll be quicker then teaching them when they are getting older.

    I personally think that budgies are clean also. I have one pied budgerigar and he is so tidy.

    i hope this is useful!

  6. house sparrows-





  7. A budgie....the English budgies are larger and have a calmer temperament than the regular budgies........

  8. a parakeet. I used to have one named sam. He was awesome and small and easy to take care of.

  9. Finches, Canaries, Parakeets, or Cockatiels. DO NOT listen to whoever said a Cockatoo, those are large birds who require a lot of attention, maybe they meant Cockatiel who knows. If you want to be able to train it and play with it I would go with a Parakeet or Cockatiel. I personally feel a Parakeet would be best. They are smaller than Cockatiels, cost less, and are easy to care for.  You will need a cage, toys, perches, food, cuttlebone or a mineral block. They also need fresh veggies everday. You should decide whether or not to clip their wings. They cannot have avocado, chocolate, onion, alcohol, or caffeine. You cannot use harsh chemicals to clean their cage or to clean around them, burn candles in the room where they are, use aersol or pump sprays around them. I have birds and I still use all these, I just use them in a separate room. Also Teflon cookware can be fatal to them if it gets overheated, so be careful.
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